首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Territorial damselfishes facilitate survival of corals by providing an associational defense against predators

Territorial damselfishes facilitate survival of corals by providing an associational defense against predators


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Territorial defense by the herbivorous damselfishes, Stegastes nigricans and S. lividus, benefits the hermatypic corals growing inside their territories. Coral diversity was significantly higher inside damselfish territories at 2 sites in Moorea, French Polynesia, and at 1 site in Guam, Mariana Islands. In Guam, this pattern was stable for at least 10 yr. Certain coral species, including Pocillopora damicornis, were found only inside damselfish territories at these sites. All fishes, including coral-feeding butterflyfishes, approaching territories of Stegastes spp. were vigorously chased. Colonies of P. damicornis inside territories were not preyed upon by any potential intruders. When transplanted outside of territories, colonies of P. damicornis were preyed upon rapidly by several species of butterflyfishes. Feeding rates of individual butterflyfishes on transplanted P. damicornis colonies were initially very high and decreased significantly over 30 min as accessible coral tissue was removed. In contrast, transplanted Porites rus, a major component of the reef outside of territories in Guam, attracted no predators. This study suggests that territorial damselfishes provide an associational defense for certain coral species that live inside their territories, whereas these species settling outside territories experience heavy predation, resulting in suppressed growth and negligible survival. This demonstrates the potential importance of this type of positive indirect interaction between species in structuring coral reef communities, that protection from predation by coral-feeding fishes is a mechanism by which damselfishes can enhance coral diversity on reefs, and that this association can remain stable for many years.
机译:食草的雀鲷,Stegastes nigricans和S. lividus的领土防御使在其领土内生长的象形珊瑚受益。在法属波利尼西亚的莫雷阿岛的2个地点和在马里亚纳群岛的关岛的1个地点的雀鲷领土内,珊瑚的多样性明显较高。在关岛,这种模式至少稳定了10年。某些珊瑚物种,包括Pocillopora damicornis,仅在这些地方的雀鲷领土内被发现。接近Stegastes spp领土的所有鱼类,包括以珊瑚为食的蝴蝶鱼。被大力追赶。领土内的大假疟原虫菌落未被任何潜在的入侵者捕食。当将其移植到境外时,数种蝴蝶鱼会迅速捕食P. damicornis的殖民地。最初的蝴蝶鱼在移栖的达氏疟原虫菌落上的摄食率非常高,并且由于去除了可及的珊瑚组织而在30分钟内显着下降。相比之下,关岛领土以外的珊瑚礁的主要组成部分-移植的Porites rus没有吸引任何捕食者。这项研究表明,领土的雀鲷为生活在其领土内的某些珊瑚物种提供了联合防御,而这些栖息在领土外的珊瑚物种则遭受了严重的捕食,导致生长受到抑制,生存能力微不足道。这证明了物种之间这种类型的正向间接相互作用在构建珊瑚礁群落中的潜在重要性,即保护免受摄食珊瑚的掠食是一种机制,通过该机制,雀鲷可以增强礁石上的珊瑚多样性,并且这种联系可以保持稳定。很多年。



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