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Three options for rebuilding the cod stock in the eastern Baltic Sea


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The cod Gadus morhua stock in the eastern Baltic Sea has seen a recent miraculous recovery, mainly due to a drastic decrease in fishing mortality (F). Here we explore 3 options for rebuilding the stock to the size (biomass that can produce the maximum sustainable yield, or B_(msy)) that is required by international law and that can support high long-term yields. The first option implements a fishing mortality of F = 0.3, as is aimed for under the current European Commission management plan. The second option implements in addition the current constraint of a maximum annual increase of 15% in total allowable catches until a catch corresponding to F= 0.3 is reached. The third option freezes the 2010 catch for 2 yr before allowing a linear increase with spawning stock biomass towards 90 % of the maximum sustainable yield. We show that the first option provides the highest catches for the first 3 yr, but fails to rebuild the biomass to the level of B_(msy). The second option rebuilds the biomass above B_(msy) only temporarily and results in the lowest catches over a 10 yr period. The third option rebuilds the biomass above B_(msy) and provides high catches and the highest profit within 10 yr. Within a decade, all 3 options provide several-fold higher biomasses, catches, and profits compared to the current situation, underlining the benefits that can be obtained from proper fisheries management. In comparison, the so-called precautionary management approach (F = 0.6) implemented until 2006 would perform worse in every respect.
机译:最近,波罗的海东部的鳕鱼Gadus morhua种群出现了奇迹般的恢复,这主要是由于捕捞死亡率(F)的急剧下降所致。在这里,我们探讨了三种选择来将种群重建为国际法所要求的,可以支持长期高收益的规模(可以产生最大可持续产量的生物量,即B_(msy))。根据当前欧盟委员会的管理计划,第一种选择的捕捞死亡率为F = 0.3。第二种选择还实现了当前的限制,即每年允许的总捕捞量增加最大15%,直到达到对应于F = 0.3的捕捞量。第三种选择是将2010年的捕获量冻结2年,然后使产卵生物量线性增加,直至达到最大可持续产量的90%。我们表明,第一个选项在前三年提供了最高的捕获量,但未能将生物量重建到B_(msy)的水平。第二种选择只是暂时重建B_(msy)以上的生物量,并导致10年内的最低捕获量。第三种选择是将生物量重建到B_(msy)以上,并在10年内提供高捕获量和最高利润。在十年之内,所有三种选择都提供了比目前更高的生物量,捕获量和利润几倍,突显了通过适当的渔业管理可以获得的好处。相比之下,直到2006年实施的所谓的预防性管理方法(F = 0.6)在各个方面的表现都较差。



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