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Spatial variation and evidence of multiple transport pathways for Dungeness crab Cancer magister late-stage larvae in southeastern Alaska


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The fate of early life stages can affect the spatial and temporal population dynamics of managed marine populations. Early Dungeness crab Cancer magister larval stages off the west coast of the contiguous United States migrate out of estuaries, develop on or beyond the continental shelf, and return to nearshore areas prior to settlement. Whether a similar ontogenetic movement pattern exists for C. magister larvae in southeastern Alaska is unknown. Extrapolation is difficult due to differences between the Alaska Coastal Current and California Current oceanographic domains and to the complex coastline, high-amplitude tides, and the large amount of freshwater influx in Alaska. We investigated the temporal and spatial variations in abundance and size of C. magister megalopae in the northern portion of southeastern Alaska. We found a high degree of spatial variation in the abundance of C. magister megalopae on both local (2 to 6 km) and regional (300+ km) scales. Although temporal differences were found among sites on a regional scale, there was no order in the arrival time of the pulse from the outer coast to the inside waters. The abundance of megalopae was higher in Icy Strait, which contained 3 out of 4 of the highest abundance sites, than at sites in Chatham Strait or Lynn Canal. Larvae varied in size and weight among these 3 regions. Due to spatial variation in abundance and larval size, as well as the lack of ordered pulse arrival times and the potentially isolating currents proposed by computer simulation, we propose multiple transport pathways for C. magister populations in northern southeastern Alaska.
机译:生命早期阶段的命运会影响受管理的海洋种群的时空种群动态。早在美国西海岸以外的太平洋大蟹蟹巨蟹座幼虫阶段就移出河口,在大陆架之上或之外发展,并在定居之前返回近岸地区。在阿拉斯加东南部是否存在类似的成年梭菌幼虫运动方式。由于阿拉斯加沿海流域和加利福尼亚洋流海洋域之间的差异,以及复杂的海岸线,高振幅的潮汐和阿拉斯加的大量淡水涌入,很难进行推断。我们调查了在阿拉斯加东南部北部的大型巨蟹科(C. magister megalopae)的数量和大小的时空变化。我们在本地(2至6 km)和区域(300+ km)尺度上都发现了巨型C. magister megalopae的高度空间变化。尽管在区域规模的站点之间发现了时间差异,但从外海岸到内水域的脉冲到达时间并没有顺序。在冰冷的海峡中,比起查塔姆海峡或林恩运河,丰满度更高,后者占最高丰度站点的四分之三。在这3个区域中,幼虫的大小和体重各不相同。由于丰度和幼虫大小的空间变化,以及缺乏有序的脉冲到达时间和计算机模拟所提出的潜在隔离电流,我们为阿拉斯加东南部北部的玛格纳斯魔芋种群提出了多种运输途径。



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