首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Drivers of protistan grazing pressure: seasonal signals of plankton community composition and environmental conditions

Drivers of protistan grazing pressure: seasonal signals of plankton community composition and environmental conditions


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Rates of heterotrophic protist grazing and phytoplankton growth were measured weekly to bi-weekly in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA, from January 2010 to February 2011. In situ sensor data and species composition were collected concomitantly to link patterns in plankton dynamics with ancillary environmental and biological processes. Annual average phytoplankton growth rates were 0.69 ± 0.58 d~(-1), and heterotrophic protist grazing rates were 0.79 ± 0.61 d~(-1). Phytoplankton growth rates were at times negative in both winter and spring. Nutrient limitation was only detected during summer, and negative growth rates in winter did not result from nutrient limitation. On an annual average, grazing removed 96% (20 to 200%) of primary production, with peaks in both phytoplankton growth and heterotrophic protist grazing rates during summer. There was no relationship between protistan herbivory rates and initial chlorophyll a concentration. Dominant grazer taxa changed seasonally. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates dominated in summer and were associated with significantly higher than average grazing rates (>1 d~(-1)). Seasonal changes in grazing rates were most significantly characterized by seasonal changes in both temperature and plankton community composition. The relative effects of temperature and species composition could not be distinguished statistically. The magnitude of protistan grazing and subsequent effects on trophic transfer and primary production rates as well as phytoplankton community composition may be better understood and parameterized when grazing pressure is evaluated in relation to species composition and environmental conditions rather than bulk measures of biomass.
机译:从2010年1月至2011年2月,在美国罗得岛纳拉甘西特湾,每周至每两周测量一次异养原生生物的放牧和浮游植物的生长速度。同时收集原位传感器数据和物种组成,以将浮游生物动力学的模式与辅助环境联系起来和生物过程。年平均浮游植物生长速度为0.69±0.58 d〜(-1),异养原生生物放牧速度为0.79±0.61 d〜(-1)。在冬季和春季,浮游植物的增长率有时为负。仅在夏季检测到营养限制,而在冬季则不是由营养限制导致负增长。放牧平均每年减少96%(20%至200%)的初级生产,在夏季,浮游植物的生长和异养原生生物的放牧率达到峰值。原生动物草食率与初始叶绿素a浓度之间没有关系。主要的放牧者分类单元随季节变化。异养鞭毛藻在夏季占主导地位,与放牧率显着高于平均放牧率相关(> 1 d〜(-1))。放牧率的季节性变化最明显的特征是温度和浮游生物群落组成的季节性变化。温度和物种组成的相对影响无法从统计学上区分。当评估放牧压力与物种组成和环境条件有关而不是对生物量进行整体衡量时,可以更好地理解和参数化protistan放牧的程度及其对营养传递和初级生产力以及浮游植物群落组成的影响。



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