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Bivalve fauna and distribution in the Amur River estuary-a warm-water ecosystem in the cold-water Pacific region


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The understanding of the processes regulating the species richness and diversity in estuarine ecosystems is a fundamental problem of ecology. The Amur River estuary is characterised by high summer water temperatures (up to 20-21℃) anomalous for the cold-water northwestern Pacific region. We hypothesized that the warm-water Amur estuary greatly influences the species richness of this cold-water region, contributing to the far northward spread of warm-water macrobenthic species. We investigated the fauna and distribution of bivalves in relation to environmental variables in the Amur estuary (Sakhalin Gulf, Amurskiy Liman, and northern Tatar Strait) on the basis of samples collected during 6 expeditions between 2003 and 2007. Most of the bivalve species found in the estuary (30 of 41) are marine species, which were recorded only in Sakhalin Gulf (Sea of Okhotsk) and the Tatar Strait (Sea of Japan). In the greater part of Amurskiy Liman, we found only brackish-water species Corbicula japonica, Corbula amurensis, and Macoma balthica, which were most abundant (mean ± SE: 74.6 ± 3.4 % of the total biomass per station) among the macrobenthos. Qualitative (presence/absence of species) and quantitative (fourth-root transformed biomass) cluster and multidimensional scaling analyses revealed 6 distinct areas in the estuary. Depth, temperature, and salinity of the bottom water and sediment characteristics (clay content) exert the greatest effect on the distribution of bivalves in the estuary. The environmental conditions in the warm-water Amur estuary are favourable for the reproduction and existence of the warm-water species C. japonica, C. amurensis, Venerupis philippinarum, Crassostrea gigas, Raeta pulchella, Protothaca euglypta, and Callithaca adamsi, of which C. japonica and C. amurensis determine the bottom community structure and abundance in the oligohaline and mesohaline zones of the estuary. The Amur estuary is the northern distribution limit of natural populations of these species and serves the role of a refugium for many warm-water species of the northwestern Pacific.
机译:了解调节河口生态系统物种丰富度和多样性的过程是生态学的基本问题。阿穆尔河河口的特征是西北太平洋冷水地区夏季水温高(高达20-21℃)。我们假设温水阿穆尔河河口极大地影响了该冷水地区的物种丰富度,导致温水大型底栖动物向北扩散。我们根据2003年至2007年的6次考察收集的样本,调查了阿穆尔河口(萨哈林湾,阿穆尔斯基利曼和塔塔尔海峡北部)与环境变量有关的双壳类动物的分布和分布。河口(41个中的30个)是海洋物种,仅记录在萨哈林海湾(鄂霍次克海)和tar塔海峡(日本海)中。在Amurskiy Liman的大部分地区,我们只发现了大型底栖动物中最丰富的淡水水生物种Corbicula japonica,Corbula amurensis和Macoma balthica(平均±SE:每站总生物量的74.6±3.4%)。定性(存在/不存在物种)和定量(第四根转化生物量)簇和多维尺度分析表明河口有6个不同的区域。底部水的深度,温度和盐度以及沉积物特征(粘土含量)对河口双壳类动物的分布影响最大。温水阿穆尔河河口的环境条件有利于温水物种C. japonica,C。amurensis,Venerupis philippinarum,Crassostrea gigas,Raeta pulchella,Protothaca euglypta和Callithaca adamsi的繁殖和存在。 japonica和C. amurensis决定了河口低盐度和中盐度区的底部群落结构和丰度。阿穆尔河口是这些物种自然种群的北部分布限制,对西北太平洋的许多温水物种起到避难所的作用。



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