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Vertical and horizontal movement patterns of scyphozoan jellyfish in a fjord-like estuary


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Despite their important functional role in marine ecosystems, we lack much information about jellyfish, including basic research on their swimming behavior. Here we used acoustic telemetry to obtain detailed behavioral data on 2 scypho-zoans, lion's mane jellyfish Cyanea capillata and fried-egg jellyfish Phacellophora camtschatica, in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Individual variation was high in both the short-term (hours) and long-term (days) data, although several patterns of behavior emerged. Lion's mane jellyfish performed diel vertical migrations over the longer time period, but their depth did not vary with tidal stage. Additionally, horizontal swimming speeds varied with diel period and tidal stage for both lion's mane and fried-egg jellyfish. Lion's mane jellyfish swam faster during the night than day, whereas fried-egg jellyfish swam faster during the day. Both species had the highest swimming rates during flood tides. Jellyfish clearly exhibited active swimming behaviors and were not passively planktonic. Net and cumulative distances traveled suggest that Hood Canal may be a sink for jellyfish, potentially exacerbating effects of population blooms on the ecosystem. Our findings provide mixed support for previous studies reporting diel vertical migrations in other jellyfish species, and provide evidence that jellyfish are capable of more advanced swimming behaviors than often thought.
机译:尽管它们在海洋生态系统中起着重要的作用,但我们缺乏有关水母的许多信息,包括有关其游泳行为的基础研究。在这里,我们使用声学遥测技术获取了美国华盛顿州普吉特海湾胡德运河的2种海豚,狮鬃水母Cyanea capillata和炒蛋水母Phacellophora camtschatica的详细行为数据。尽管出现了几种行为模式,但短期(小时)和长期(天)数据的个体差异都很大。狮子的鬃毛水母在较长的时间内表现出垂直垂直迁移,但其深度并未随潮汐阶段变化。另外,狮子的鬃毛和煎蛋水母的水平游泳速度随diel期和潮汐期而变化。狮子的鬃毛水母在白天的游泳速度比白天快,而煎蛋水母在白天的游泳速度更快。在洪潮期间,这两个物种的游泳率最高。水母显然表现出活跃的游泳行为,而不是被动地浮游。净移动距离和累计移动距离表明胡德运河可能是水母的汇,可能加剧种群繁衍对生态系统的影响。我们的发现为以前的研究报告了其他水母中diel垂直迁移的研究提供了混合的支持,并提供了证据表明水母能够比通常认为的更先进的游泳行为。



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