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Experimental induction of a coastal spring bloom early in the year by intermittent high-light episodes


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Through the use of mesocosm experiments, we show that an unusually early spring phytoplankton bloom can be induced by intermittent high-light periods. We performed mesocosm experiments where plankton assemblages from Kiel Bight (Western Baltic Sea) received a light regime based on the natural seasonal irradiance dimmed to 43 % of surface irradiance of cloudless days, starting with irradiance levels of mid-January (6 mesocosms) and mid-February (6 mesocosms). After 6 d, half of the mesocosms received a ca. 2-fold increase in irradiance. In the January mesocosms, a phytoplankton bloom developed only in the treatments with the high-light episode, whereas in the February mesocosms a phytoplankton bloom also developed in the controls. Phytoplankton net growth rates, production:biomass ratios and biomass at the end of the high irradiance episodes were positively correlated to the daily light dose. The relative biomass of diatoms increased with increasing light, whereas the relative biomass of cryptophytes decreased. A bottom-up transmission to mesozooplankton (mainly copepods of the genera Acartia and Oithona) was evident by increased densities of copepod nauplii and egg production under higher light conditions, whereas copepodids and adults showed no responses during the experimental period. The taxonomic composition of the nauplii was shifted to the advantage of Acartia/Centropages (not distinguished at the naupliar stage) under higher light conditions.
机译:通过使用中观宇宙实验,我们发现间歇性的高光时段可以诱发异常的早春浮游植物开花。我们进行了中观实验,其中来自基尔·布特(西波罗的海)的浮游生物集合体根据自然季节性辐照度降低到无云天表面辐照度的43%接受轻度照射,从一月中旬(6个中观辐照度)和中旬开始-2月(6个中观)。 6 d后,一半的中观接受了约。辐照度增加2倍。在一月份的中型宇宙中,仅在高光发作的治疗中才出现浮游植物的繁盛,而在二月份的中型宇宙域中,对照中也出现了浮游植物的繁盛。高辐照期结束时浮游植物的净生长速率,产量:生物量比和生物量与每日光照剂量呈正相关。硅藻的相对生物量随光的增加而增加,而隐藻的相对生物量则减少。在较高的光照条件下,pe足无节幼体的密度和产卵量增加,证明了自下而上传播至中足浮游动物(主要是A螨属和奥伊索纳属的co足类),而在实验期间,足足纲和成虫没有反应。在更高的光照条件下,无节幼体的生物分类组成转移到A螨/中肠虫的优势(在无节幼体阶段没有区别)。



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