首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Multi-element otolith fingerprints unravel sea-lagoon lifetime migrations of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata

Multi-element otolith fingerprints unravel sea-lagoon lifetime migrations of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata

机译:多元素耳石指纹图谱揭示了金头鲷鲷Sparus aurata的泻湖寿命迁移

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Precise knowledge of lifetime migrations is vital in exploited fish species, since all essential habitats must be protected to maintain sustainable stock levels. The present study used multi-element otolith fingerprints of the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (L.) to discriminate its main juvenile and adult habitats in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (Gulf of Lions, northwest Mediterranean) and infer the lifetime migrations of 12 individuals from the area (11 from the pre sent day and 1 from the Roman era). This allowed for the first time the identification of key habi tats for the successful completion of the species' life cycle in the Gulf of Lions, and the connectivity between them. Our results revealed that lagoon use by S. aurata is probably ancient (>2500 yr) and confirmed its current commonness. Yet, although most observed migration patterns were in accordance with the migratory behavior previously described for the species, strong inter-individ ual variations and new patterns in habitat use were detected. At the juvenile stage, a preference for shallow lagoons with low salinities was evidenced. Nevertheless, the first year of life can also be successfully completed in marine conditions. At the adult stage, lagoon use was shown to occur until at least age 4 yr, with periods of lagoon residency of up to 11 mo in a year, often including winter months. Because overwintering in the lagoons was previously thought to be impossible for S. aurata due to low temperatures, this finding has important implications for future stock manage ment, especially since the species breeds in winter.
机译:由于必须保护所有必要的生境以维持可持续的种群水平,因此对终生迁徙的精确了解对于被开发的鱼类至关重要。本研究使用金头鲷鲷(Spaus aurata)的多元素耳石指纹来区分其在Languedoc-Roussillon地区(地中海西北部的狮子湾)的主要少年和成年栖息地,并推断12个个体的终生迁徙。来自该地区(提前发送11天,罗马时代发送1天)。这首次为成功完成狮子湾物种的生命周期及其相互之间的联系确定了关键的栖息地。我们的结果表明,金黄色葡萄球菌对泻湖的利用可能是古老的(> 2500年),并证实了其目前的普遍性。然而,尽管观察到的大多数迁徙模式都符合先前描述的该物种的迁徙行为,但仍发现个体间的强烈差异和栖息地使用的新模式。在少年阶段,已证明偏爱盐度低的浅泻湖。尽管如此,生命的第一年也可以在海洋条件下成功完成。在成年阶段,泻湖的使用至少要持续到4岁,一年中泻湖的居住时间长达11个月,通常包括冬季。由于以前认为由于温度低而使泻湖无法在泻湖中越冬,因此这一发现对未来的种群管理具有重要意义,特别是因为该物种在冬季繁殖。



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