首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Holo-heterococcolithophore life cycles: ecological implications

Holo-heterococcolithophore life cycles: ecological implications


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Many coccolithophores have complex life cycles with haploid and diploid stages bearing structurally different coccolith types (holococcoliths and heterococcoliths, respectively). Laboratory studies suggest that holo- and heterococcolithophores may occupy distinct ecological niches, but the potential ecological implications of the existence of haploid and diploid stages are poorly known. We present here a study of holo- and heterococcolithophore distributions in the Catalano-Balearic Sea, during 2 cruises (MESO-96, from 18 June to 3 July, and FRONTS-96, from 16 to 21 September) that covered 2 intervals of the stratification period of 1996. We define a holo-coccolithophore prevalence index (HOLP index), calculated for each coccolithophore-containing sample, as the percent ratio between the number of holococcolithophores and the total number of holo- and heterococcolithophores belonging to families with alternation of holo- and heterococcolithophore life stages (coccolithophores having HOL-HET life cycles; Total_HHLC). In both cruises, the distribution of holo- and heterococcolithophores and the HOLP index indicated a preference of the holococcolithophores for shallower waters and of the heteroccolithophores for deeper layers. This segregation may be linked to a differentiation of ecological niches, with the haploid holococcolithophores occupying the more oligotrophic upper layers and the diploid heterococcolithophores inhabiting relatively rich deeper waters.
机译:许多球墨石生物的生命周期复杂,其单倍体和二倍体阶段具有结构上不同的球藻类型(分别为全球藻和异球藻)。实验室研究表明,全球形和异球形鞘磷脂可能占据不同的生态位,但是人们对单倍体和二倍体阶段存在的潜在生态影响知之甚少。我们在这里介绍了在两次航行中(6月18日至7月3日为MESO-96,9月16日至21日为FRONTS-96)在加泰罗尼亚-巴利阿里海中的完整和异球菌石的分布研究。我们以1996年的分层期为基础。我们将每个含球形石胆的样品计算出的整体球形石胆子患病率指数(HOLP指数)定义为整体球形石子胆子数与属于整个家族的整体性和球形和异球菌子总数之间的百分比比率完整和异球菌的生命周期(具有HOL-HET生命周期的球墨镜; Total_HHLC)。在这两次航行中,全球藻和异球藻的分布以及HOLP指数表明,较浅的水层更倾向于全脂球石,而较深的层则更倾向于异球藻。这种隔离可能与生态位的分化有关,单倍体全石胆石体占据了更贫营养的上层,而二倍体异球菌藻体则生活在相对丰富的深水区。



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