首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Seawater turbidity and fish communities on coral reefs of Puerto Rico

Seawater turbidity and fish communities on coral reefs of Puerto Rico


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We investigated the variations of reef fish assemblages on coral reefs that experience different turbidity regimes, by assessing the association between the vertical extinction coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation (K_(dPAR)) and communities of fishes and corals at 21 reef sites in La Parguera, southwest Puerto Rico. Statistical correlations and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) identified turbidity as an important environmental parameter affecting ecological processes on coral reefs, as reflected by changes in the composition and abundance of reef fishes and benthic communities. Lower fish density and species richness was found at turbid sites. Turbidity was also negatively correlated to percent coral cover, which together with rugosity, were additional habitat parameters shaping reef fish assemblages. Bluehead wrasse Thalassoma bifas-ciatum and yellowtail damselfish Microspathodon chrysurus were species rarely present at turbid sites and abundant at clear ones. The yellowtail hamlet Hypoplectrus chlorurus and sharknose goby Elacatinus evelynae had the opposite distribution along the turbidity gradient. We identified seawater turbidity as an additional predictor of the reef fish community structure in La Parguera, in addition to live coral cover and reef rugosity. Because coral reefs and reef fishes were less complex (lower rugosity, less species richness, less diversity) in more turbid sites, managing for clear water conditions within the coastal area of La Parguera should lead to improved ecosystem resilience and stability, and should become a primary goal of management.
机译:我们通过评估光合有效辐射的垂直消光系数(K_(dPAR))与拉帕古拉(La Parguera)21个礁区的鱼类和珊瑚群落之间的联系,研究了经历不同浑浊度的珊瑚礁上的礁石鱼类组合的变化,西南波多黎各。统计相关性和非度量多维标度(NMS)将浊度视为影响珊瑚礁生态过程的重要环境参数,反映在礁鱼和底栖生物的组成和丰度变化上。在浑浊的地方发现较低的鱼类密度和物种丰富度。浊度与珊瑚覆盖率也呈负相关,而粗糙度与珊瑚礁的覆盖率成正比,是形成珊瑚鱼群的其他生境参数。蓝头濑鱼(Thalesoma bifas-ciatum)和黄尾雀鲷(Microspathodon chrysurus)是很少见于混浊点的物种,而在清澈混浊的地方则丰富。黄尾小gradientHypoplectrus chlorurus和鲨鱼鼻goElacatinus evelynae沿浊度梯度呈相反的分布。我们确定了海水浊度,除了活珊瑚覆盖和礁石褶皱性之外,还可以作为La Parguera礁鱼群落结构的另外一个预测指标。由于在更多浑浊的地方,珊瑚礁和珊瑚礁鱼类的复杂性较低(皱折度较低,物种丰富度较低,多样性较低),因此在拉帕格拉(La Parguera)沿海地区管理清澈的海水条件应可改善生态系统的复原力和稳定性,并应成为管理的主要目标。



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