首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Resource polygon geometry predicts Bayesian stable isotope mixing model bias

Resource polygon geometry predicts Bayesian stable isotope mixing model bias


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Bayesian mixing model analyses of resource and consumer stable isotope composition are commonly used to infer elemental, energetic, and trophic pathways in aquatic and terrestrial food webs. However, the outputs of these models may be biased towards prior or null generalist assumptions, but the magnitude of this potential bias is unknown. I conducted a series of experiments to determine how this bias is affected by the geometry and end-member uncertainty of resource polygons. These experiments showed that bias is mostly due to isotopic overlap between resources and is very strongly correlated in a sigmoid manner with the normalized surface area of stable isotope resource polygons. The normalized surface area, a classic signal to noise ratio in bivariate space, is calculated by scaling the x and y ordinates by the mean standard deviations (SD) for δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N, respectively. When equilateral 3-resource polygons have a surface area <3.4 SD~2, the outputs of Bayesian mixing models primarily reflect the prior generalist assumption. The back-calculated bias for 85 recently published triangular polygons averaged 50 ± 28% (± SD). Analyses of regular resource polygons with 4 to 6 resources required 3.1 to 8.0 times larger normalized surface areas to constrain bias. Furthermore, polygons with 4 or more resources gave poor outcomes for minor diet components. There was a strong bias for resources similar, and against resources dissimilar, to the dominant resource. Overall, Bayesian methods applied to underdetermined models and poorly resolved data very often give results that are highly biased towards centrist and generalist solutions.
机译:资源和消费者稳定同位素组成的贝叶斯混合模型分析通常用于推断水生和陆生食物网中的元素,能量和营养途径。但是,这些模型的输出可能偏向于先前的假设或无效的通论假设,但是这种潜在偏倚的大小尚不清楚。我进行了一系列实验,以确定此偏差如何受到资源多边形的几何形状和端成员不确定性的影响。这些实验表明,偏差主要归因于资源之间的同位素重叠,并且以S型方式与稳定同位素资源多边形的归一化表面积非常相关。通过分别用δ〜(13)C和δ〜(15)N的平均标准偏差(SD)缩放x和y坐标来计算归一化的表面积,这是二元空间中的经典信噪比。当等边的3资源多边形的表面积小于3.4 SD〜2时,贝叶斯混合模型的输出主要反映先验的一般假设。对最近发布的85个三角形多边形的反向计算偏差平均为50±28%(±SD)。分析具有4到6种资源的常规资源多边形需要3.1到8.0倍的标准化表面积来限制偏差。此外,具有4个或更多资源的多边形对于少量饮食成分的效果不佳。对于与主要资源相似的资源和反对与资源不同的资源,存在强烈的偏见。总体而言,贝叶斯方法适用于欠定模型和数据解析不良,其结果往往偏向于中间派和通才主义解决方案。



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