首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Biotic interactions influence sediment erodibility on wave-exposed sandflats

Biotic interactions influence sediment erodibility on wave-exposed sandflats


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Biological activities in marine soft-sediments can modify the sedimentary environment through processes that change erosion rates. In low-energy environments, bioturbating macrofauna destabilizes sediments while microbes bind sediments and stabilize them. The degree to which these counter-acting processes influence sediment movement in a physically dynamic environment has not been well quantified. In a field experiment, we established 56 (1 m(2)) plots on an exposed intertidal sandflat. We used shade cloth and manipulated grazing pressure exerted by the deposit-feeding bivalve Macomona liliana (0-200 ind. m(-2)) to alter the microphytobenthic community. Three months post-manipulation, initiation of sediment transport (T-c) and change in sediment erosion rate with increasing bed shear stress (m(e)) were measured. Mean grain size, density of the spionid polychaete Aonides trifida, density of adult M. liliana, and bulk carbohydrate concentration could account for 54% of the variation in T-c (0.3-1.1 N m(-2) s(-1)). Mean grain size was the only significant predictor (p <= 0.01) of me explaining 22% of the variability (6-20 g N-1 s(-1)). T-c was negatively correlated with density of several abundant shallow- dwelling bioturbators (indicating sediment destabilization), but we did not observe the expected increase in T-c with microbial biomass. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between adult M. liliana and T-c as well as evidence for several positive feedbacks between abundant shallow- dwelling macrofauna and microbial biomass. These study results demonstrate that despite frequent reworking by tidal currents and waves, bioturbating macrofauna are important to initiating sediment transport regardless of their effects on microbial biomass.
机译:海洋软沉积物中的生物活动可以通过改变侵蚀速率的过程来改变沉积环境。在低能耗环境中,生物扰动大型动物破坏了沉积物的稳定性,而微生物束缚了沉积物并使它们稳定。这些反作用过程在物理动态环境中影响泥沙运动的程度尚未得到很好的量化。在现场实验中,我们在裸露的潮间带沙滩上建立了56个(1 m(2))样地。我们使用遮阳布,并控制了由饲草喂养的双壳类Macomona liliana(0-200 ind。m(-2))施加的放牧压力,以改变微底栖动物群落。操作后三个月,测量了沉积物迁移(T-c)的开始以及随着床层剪切应力(m(e))的增加而增加的沉积物侵蚀速率。平均晶粒尺寸,鞘状多毛小棕蝇Af的密度,成年的M. liliana的密度和大量碳水化合物的浓度可能占T-c(0.3-1.1 N m(-2)s(-1))变化的54%。平均粒度是我唯一的重要预测因子(p <= 0.01),解释了22%的变异性(6-20 g N-1 s(-1))。 T-c与几种丰富的浅层生物扰动器的密度呈负相关(表明沉积物不稳定),但我们未观察到微生物生物量对T-c的预期增加。此外,成年的M. liliana和T-c之间存在正相关关系,并且有证据表明丰富的浅层大型动物群和微生物生物量之间存在一些正反馈。这些研究结果表明,尽管经常受到潮流和波浪的影响,但生物扰动大型动物对启动沉积物运输至关重要,无论其对微生物生物量的影响如何。



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