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Net loss of endangered humpback dolphins: integrating residency, site fidelity, and bycatch in shark nets


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Fisheries bycatch-the incidental catch of non-target species during fishing-is problematic for large marine vertebrates. Bather protection programmes that use gillnets to kill sharks cause the incidental mortality of humpback dolphins Sousa spp., potentially impacting the long-term survival of these threatened species. Understanding dolphins' spatial and temporal use of gillnetted areas is critical for designing effective mitigation strategies. We photo-identified dolphins over 8 yr in a high-bycatch area (Richards Bay, South Africa) to assess the residency, site fidelity, and movement patterns of Indian Ocean humpback dolphins S. plumbea and evaluate how emigration, immigration, and mortality rates influence the use of Richards Bay at various temporal scales. Overall, residency was low but site fidelity was high, leading to high population turnover in the short term but low turnover over 6 mo and longer. There was clear individual variation in visitation but no evidence of seasonality. By considering such movements, the net loss of dolphins from the area became evident. While dolphins naturally emigrate from the area, the recognition of several catalogued individuals among the bycaught dolphins indicated that mortality in the shark nets contributes to the permanent loss of both residents and transients. Richards Bay may represent an ecological trap: high site fidelity indicates dolphins perceived the area as ecologically attractive, but high mortality due to shark nets makes it risky. We examined these results relative to gillnet bycatch mitigation methods and recommend that stakeholders collaborate as a mitigation team to prioritise management actions to reduce bycatch without compromising bather safety.
机译:渔业兼捕-捕捞过程中非目标物种的偶然捕获-对于大型海洋脊椎动物来说是有问题的。使用刺网杀死鲨鱼的游泳者保护计划会导致座头海豚Sousa spp。的偶然死亡,从而可能影响这些受威胁物种的长期生存。了解海豚对刺网状区域的空间和时间用途对于设计有效的缓解策略至关重要。我们对高捕获区(南非理查兹湾)中超过8年的海豚进行了光识别,以评估印度洋座头海豚S. plumbea的居住地,保真度和移动方式,并评估其移民,移民和死亡率的情况在各个时间尺度上影响理查兹湾的使用。总体而言,居留率较低,但网站保真度较高,导致短期内人口流动率较高,但6个月以上及更长时期的人口流动率较低。探视有明显的个体差异,但没有季节性的证据。通过考虑这种运动,该地区海豚的净损失变得明显。尽管海豚自然地从该地区移出,但在被捕的海豚中,一些编目个体的认可表明,鲨鱼网中的死亡会造成居民和瞬态动物的永久丧失。理查兹湾(Richards Bay)可能是一个生态陷阱:高位保真度表明海豚认为该地区具有生态吸引力,但是由于鲨鱼网造成的高死亡率使其具有风险。我们研究了与刺网兼捕缓解措施有关的这些结果,并建议利益相关者作为缓解团队进行协作,确定管理措施的优先级,以减少兼捕而不损害沐浴者的安全。



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