首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Effects of temperature and latitude on larval traits of two estuarine fishes in differing estuary types

Effects of temperature and latitude on larval traits of two estuarine fishes in differing estuary types


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Variations in abiotic conditions across large latitudinal gradients can strongly influence the early life history of coastal marine organisms. We investigated the effects of temperature and latitude on the larval traits of 2 estuarine fish species. The arrow goby Clevelandia ios and the endangered tidewater goby Eucyclogobius newberryi were studied in 18 estuaries along the coast of California, spanning similar to 8 degrees of latitude. These 2 species were selected because of their dissimilar preferences for estuary type: the arrow goby prefers cooler, fully tidal systems, whereas the tidewater goby prefers warmer lagoons that experience some degree of seasonal isolation from the ocean. Recently settled individuals were collected from July to October 2011, and temperatures within each estuary were recorded to determine how temperature affected larval duration, settlement, and growth rates. Temperatures were more variable among estuaries inhabited by the tidewater goby (10 degrees C range) than among those inhabited by the arrow goby (5 degrees C range). Larval traits of both species differed among sites, but more so for the tidewater goby, a difference that was tied to the greater differences in temperatures among sites in the seasonally closed estuaries it inhabited. In both species, fish that experienced warmer temperatures had shorter larval durations and faster growth rates and were smaller at settlement. Since the length of the larval period has been related to survival and dispersal distance, future variations in temperature due to climate change could have predictable influences on population density and connectivity in estuarine species.
机译:跨大纬度梯度的非生物条件变化会强烈影响沿海海洋生物的早期生活史。我们调查了温度和纬度对两种河口鱼类幼体性状的影响。在加利福尼亚海岸的18个河口中研究了箭虾虎鱼Clevelandia ios和濒临灭绝的潮水虾虎鱼Eucyclogobius newberryi,跨度接近8个纬度。选择这两个物种是因为它们对河口类型的偏好不同:箭虾虎鱼更喜欢凉爽的,完全潮汐的系统,而潮水虾虎鱼更喜欢较温暖的泻湖,这些泻湖与海洋有一定程度的季节性隔离。从2011年7月至2011年10月收集最近定居的个体,并记录每个河口内的温度,以确定温度如何影响幼体的持续时间,定居和生长速度。在潮水虾虎鱼栖息的河口(10摄氏度范围)内,温度变化比在箭虾虾虎鱼栖息的河口(5摄氏度范围)内变化更大。这两个物种的幼虫性状在不同地点之间有所不同,但对于潮水虾虎鱼而言,差异更大,这与它所居住的季节性封闭河口中各个地点之间温度的较大差异有关。在这两个物种中,温度升高的鱼类的幼体持续时间较短,生长速度较快,定居时较小。由于幼虫期的长短与生存和传播距离有关,因此由于气候变化而导致的未来温度变化可能会对河口物种的种群密度和连通性产生可预测的影响。



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