首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Weakening of the subpolar gyre as a key driver of North Atlantic seabird demography: a case study with Brunnich's guillemots in Svalbard

Weakening of the subpolar gyre as a key driver of North Atlantic seabird demography: a case study with Brunnich's guillemots in Svalbard


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The Arctic is experiencing environmental changes at unprecedented rates. These changes are spreading throughout the entire food web, affecting apex predators such as seabirds. brunnich's guillemot Uria lomvia populations in Svalbard archipelago have significantly declined since the mid-1990s. For longlived species such as seabirds, population growth rate is highly sensitive to changes in adult survival rates, and slight changes in survival may have large consequences at the population level. Adult survival rates, were estimated for Brunnich's guillemots individually marked and monitored from 1986 to 2011 at Bjornoya, Svalbard. While survival appeared to be repeatedly high (mean +/- SE; 95 +/- 1%) from 1986 to 1995-98 (transitional years, when Svalbard guillemot colonies started to decline), it dropped by 9-12% over the period 1995-98 to 2011. This decline coincided with the occurrence of an abrupt ecosystem shift in the North Atlantic Ocean in the mid-1990s and the weakening of the Atlantic subpolar gyre. Variations in the subpolar gyre index (SGI) were significantly associated with inter-annual variation in guillemot annual survival, and a strong gyre (i.e. cold waters on guillemot wintering grounds) was associated with high adult survival. Our results, combined with other studies, suggest that the SGI may be an important global proxy to assess oceanographic conditions and changes in marine ecosystems in the North Atlan
机译:北极正以前所未有的速度经历着环境变化。这些变化遍及整个食物网,影响了诸如海鸟之类的先头天敌。自1990年代中期以来,斯瓦尔巴群岛的布鲁尼希(guenmot)的海地乌里亚(Uria lomvia)种群已大大减少。对于长寿物种(例如海鸟),种群增长率对成年成活率的变化高度敏感,生存率的微小变化可能会对种群水平产生重大影响。估计了从1986年至2011年在斯瓦尔巴群岛的比约诺亚单独标记和监测的Brunnich海雀的成年存活率。尽管从1986年到1995-98年(过渡年,斯瓦尔巴德海雀科的殖民地开始减少)的存活率似乎一直很高(平均+/- SE; 95 +/- 1%),但在此期间下降了9-12% 1995-98年至2011年。这一下降与1990年代中期北大西洋生态系统突然发生变化以及大西洋亚极地回旋减弱有关。亚极回旋指数(SGI)的变化与海雀科的年生存的年际变化显着相关,而强劲的旋流(即海雀科的越冬地的冷水)与成年的高生存率有关。我们的研究结果与其他研究相结合,表明SGI可能是评估北大西洋北部海洋环境和海洋生态系统变化的重要全球代理。



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