首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Variation in occupancy and habitat use of Mobula alfredi at a major aggregation site

Variation in occupancy and habitat use of Mobula alfredi at a major aggregation site


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Understanding variations in habitat use through time contributes to identification of habitats critical for species survival. Here we used passive acoustic telemetry to examine the residency and site fidelity patterns of the reef manta ray Mobula alfredi at Lady Elliot Island (LEI), a key aggregation site in eastern Australia. Six acoustic receivers were moored around LEI between 2009 and 2012, and 34 acoustic transmitters were deployed on manta rays. All tagged animals returned to this site within their recording period, with some indi viduals visiting the area for up to 23 consecutive days. Using a set of mixed effect models, we analysed the hourly visitation patterns of manta rays in relation to temporal and en vironmental variables. Diel phase and sea temperature showed the strongest effects on the presence of manta rays, with weaker effects detected for wind direction, wind speed and moon illumination. Individuals occupied LEI habitat mostly during daylight hours and in calm weather conditions, which may be linked with behavioural thermoregulation, social inter actions and cleaning activities. Their absence at night may be related to foraging strategies in deeper offshore waters. The effect of sea temperature reflects the greater seasonal occurrence of manta rays at LEI in winter, when temperatures are coolest, potentially in response to regional food availability. The high degree of manta ray site fidelity at aggregation sites underscores the importance of these areas as key daytime habitats for the species. We suggest that conservation measures should prioritise the protection of coastal aggregation habitats from overexploitation and degradation.
机译:了解生境使用情况随时间的变化有助于识别对物种生存至关重要的生境。在这里,我们使用无源声学遥测技术检查了澳大利亚东部主要聚集点雷迪埃里奥特夫人岛(LEI)上的礁石蝠ta Mobula alfredi的驻地和位置保真度模式。在2009年至2012年之间,在LEI周围停泊了6个声波接收器,并在蝠man上部署了34个声波发射器。所有带标签的动物在记录期内均返回该地点,一些个体连续23天访问该地区。使用一组混合效应模型,我们分析了与时间和环境变量相关的蝠ta的每小时访问模式。狄尔相和海水温度对蝠ta的影响最强,而对风向,风速和月球光照的影响较弱。个人大多在白天和平静的天气下占领LEI栖息地,这可能与行为体温调节,社交互动和清洁活动有关。夜间缺席可能与更深海域的觅食策略有关。海水温度的影响反映出,在温度最凉的冬季,LEI上的蝠seasonal有更多的季节性发生,这可能是由于区域粮食供应所致。聚集地的蝠ta高度保真度突出了这些区域作为该物种白天重要栖息地的重要性。我们建议,保护措施应优先保护沿海聚集生境免受过度开发和退化的影响。



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