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In organic and organic sinking particulate phosphorus fluxes across the oxic/anoxic water column of Cariaco Basin, Venezuela


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Phosphorus (P) is a vital nutrient that is essential for all organisms and may limit growth on both modern and geologic timescales. The major removal mechanism of P from marine systems is via the transformation of dissolved P into sinking particulate P pools. Although most particulate P is remineralized before it reaches the seafloor, little is known about the processes that control its breakdown into dissolved phases. In this study, the P composition of sinking particles captured by five sediment traps distributed through the oxic and anoxic water column of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela is examined. Samples were collected from January 1996 to December 2004. Total particulate P (TPP), particulate inorganic P (PIP), and particulate organic P (POP) fluxes varied considerably over the course of the nine year study, yet there were no significant seasonal differences in the overall flux of POP. In contrast, PIP, which comprises a major portion of TPP (averaging 52± 19% across all depths) had fluxes that were 30% higher during non-upwelling periods. Poor relationships between PIP and biologically derived constituents, e.g. particulate organic carbon (POC), suggest that most of this material was derived from non-biological sources, namely terrestrial runoff from rivers. Rapid remineralization of POP occurred relative to POC and PIP in oxic surface waters, whereas PIP was quickly remineralized relative to POC and POP in subsurface anoxic waters. This suggests a significant and alternating source of particulate P to the dissolved P pool that depends on oxygen availability. Thus, particulate P release to the dissolved phase and the upwelling of dissolved P into the euphotic zone is a potentially important positive feedback mechanism for enhanced primary production and carbon sequestration in continental margin sediments regardless of oxic versus anoxic conditions.
机译:磷(P)是所有生物必不可少的重要营养素,可能会限制现代和地质时间尺度的生长。从海洋系统中去除磷的主要机理是通过将溶解的磷转化为下沉的颗粒磷池。尽管大多数微粒P在到达海底之前都会重新矿化,但对其控制分解成溶解相的过程知之甚少。在这项研究中,研究了通过委内瑞拉Cariaco盆地的有氧和无氧水柱分布的五个沉积物陷阱捕获的下沉颗粒的P组成。在9年的研究过程中,从1996年1月至2004年12月收集了样本。总颗粒P(TPP),颗粒无机P(PIP)和颗粒有机P(POP)的通量变化很大,但没有明显的季节差异。持久性有机污染物的总体通量。相反,构成TPP主要部分的PIP(在所有深度上平均为52±19%)在非上升期间的通量要高30%。 PIP与生物衍生成分之间的不良关系,例如颗粒有机碳(POC)表明,这种物质大部分来自非生物来源,即河流的地面径流。相对于POC和PIP,在有氧地表水中,POP迅速矿化,而相对于POC和POP在地下无氧水中,则PIP迅速矿化。这表明依赖于氧气的可利用性,颗粒状P的大量交替来源进入溶解的P池。因此,无论有氧与无氧条件如何,微粒P释放到溶解相中以及溶解P向上涌入富营养区是潜在的重要正反馈机制,可提高陆缘沉积物中的初级产量和碳固存。



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