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Putting Air Pollution Back on the Agenda A health and economic opportunity for developing Asian cities


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Urban air pollution kills 1.1 million people each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Air pollution is estimated to contribute 8% of lung cancer deaths, 5% of cardiopulmonary deaths, and 3% of respiratory infection deaths globally.~1 People living within 500 m of major roads are exposed to hazardous emissions from transport, which includes 55% of Delhi and 77% of Beijing residents.~2 The air in more than six out of 10 developing cities in Asia is considered unhealthy, based on a CAI-Asia survey of 234 cities, comparing particulate matter levels against WHO interim targets. A mere 1% (or three surveyed cities) has clean air (see Figure 1).~3 Several air pollutants, including black carbon, which is a component of particulate matter, methane, and tropospheric ozone, are called short-lived climate forcers. This is because they contribute to climate change and while their lifespan is shorter than carbon dioxide emissions, their impact is felt immediately.
机译:根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,城市空气污染每年造成110万人死亡。据估计,全球空气污染造成了8%的肺癌死亡,5%的心肺死亡和3%的呼吸道感染死亡。〜1居住在主要道路500 m之内的人们暴露于交通中的有害排放物,其中包括55% CAI-Asia对234个城市进行的一项调查将微粒物质水平与WHO的中期目标进行了比较,据此,亚洲10个发展中城市中超过6个城市的空气被认为不健康。2仅有1%(或三个被调查的城市)的空气清新(请参见图1)。3几种空气污染物,包括黑碳(构成微粒物质,甲烷和对流层臭氧的组成部分),被称为短期气候推动力。这是因为它们助长了气候变化,虽然其寿命短于二氧化碳排放量,但它们的影响会立即显现出来。



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