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Pre-and post-cracking torsion in prestressed concrete beams: experimental study


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Experimental cracking-twist data on torsional concrete beams display significant variations due to the difficulty of measuring small twists during torsion tests of concrete beams. A recent torsion experiment on large reinforced concrete (RC) beam specimens developed a new method that was able to accurately measure small twists before and around cracking. In the current study, the test method was extended to torsion experiments on prestressed concrete (PSC) beam specimens. In addition to addressing the issue of small-twist measurement, the new method also improved other aspects, such as precise measurement and examination of prestressing forces and prestress transfer, and the testing of relatively large specimens with medium to high prestressing levels. This paper describes the test apparatus and method, presents the experimental results of six PSC beam specimens, and discusses and compares the experimental results. The experimental cracking torques T-cr, (Test) are compared with the T-cr, (RC) values calculated using a rational formula for RC members. It was found that the T-cr, Test/T-cr, (RC) ratio for solid PSC beams increases almost linearly with increasing prestress ratio (f(pc)/f '(c)) when f(pc)/f '(c) is in the range of approximately 0.09 to 0.16, and asymptotically approaches an upper limit of 1.80 when f(pc)/f '(c) exceeds 0.16.
机译:由于在混凝土梁的扭转试验中难以测量较小的扭曲,因此关于扭转混凝土梁的试验开裂扭转数据显示出明显的变化。最近在大型钢筋混凝土(RC)梁试件上进行的扭转试验开发了一种新方法,该方法能够精确测量开裂前后的小扭曲。在当前的研究中,该测试方法已扩展到对预应力混凝土(PSC)梁试件的扭转试验。除了解决小扭曲测量的问题外,新方法还改善了其他方面,例如精确测量和检查预应力和预应力传递,以及测试具有中高预应力水平的相对较大的试样。本文介绍了测试设备和方法,介绍了六个PSC光束试样的实验结果,并讨论和比较了实验结果。将实验开裂扭矩T-cr(测试)与使用RC构件的有理公式计算出的T-cr(RC)值进行比较。发现当f(pc)/ f'时,固体PSC梁的T-cr,Test / T-cr(RC)比随预应力比(f(pc)/ f'(c))的增加几乎呈线性增加。 (c)在约0.09至0.16的范围内,并且当f(pc)/ f'(c)超过0.16时,渐近地接近1.80的上限。



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