首页> 外文期刊>Magazine of Concrete Research >Relation between humidity and chemically combined water under self-desiccation condition

Relation between humidity and chemically combined water under self-desiccation condition


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In this study, high-performance concrete was exposed to self-desiccation condition to investigate the correlation between chemically combined water (CCW) and internal humidity. The results indicate that the reduction in internal humidity over the first 28 d accounts for over 86% of the total decrement in 112 d, and the increase in CCW in the first 7 d accounts for more than 76% of the total increase over 112 d. It was also found that admixing of fly ash can postpone the decrease in internal humidity, make the matrix maintain the moisture saturation stage for over 20 d and significantly decrease the content of CCW at early age. A mathematical formula was developed to describe the quantitative relation between internal humidity and CCW of concrete under self-desiccation.
机译:在这项研究中,高性能混凝土暴露于自干燥条件下,以研究化学结合水(CCW)与内部湿度之间的关系。结果表明,在开始的28 d内,内部湿度的减少占112 d总减量的86%以上,而在开始的7 d中,CCW的增加占112 d总减量的76%以上。 。还发现,粉煤灰的掺入可以推迟内部湿度的降低,使基质在20 d内保持水分饱和阶段,并显着降低早期的CCW含量。建立了一个数学公式来描述自干过程中混凝土内部湿度与CCW之间的定量关系。



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