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The effect of active teaching and subject content coverage on students’ achievement: evidence from primary schools in Kenya


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There is a growing public concern in Kenya over the persistent gap between those schools that are consistently ranked at the top and those ranked at the bottom of the annual Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination league tables. This has raised the issue of inequality in educational opportunity. Our primary concern in this paper is to understand some of the classroom-school factors that may explain the persistent differences in achievement between the top and bottom schools. We focus on time-on-task (the length of exposure to any particular teaching and learning task) and curriculum content, and ask whether this explains the difference in performance. We test the following hypotheses: differences exist on teachers’ time-on-task between low and high performing schools; greater teacher time-on-task has a positive effect on student gain score; and greater content coverage has a positive effect on student achievement. For the student achievement gains, we use item response theory test scores of 1889 Grade 6 pupils from 70 schools in Kenya. Data on time-on-task were generated from 70 maths lessons observed in these schools, while content coverage was developed from students’ maths note books for the entire period they were in Grade 6. The study was conducted by a team of researchers at the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) with funding from Google.org. Using two level hierarchical modelling, we control for pupil, teacher and school factors. Results show that exposure to content is positively correlated with pupil gain scores (gain score is the difference in score between test at time t1 and test at time t2 of the same pupil taught by the same teacher). Maths teachers in both bottom and top performing schools spend the same proportion of time-on-task. However, we do not find that time-on-task is related to achievement in this sample.View full textDownload full textKeywordstime-on-task, content coverage, achievement, item response theory, gain score, opportunity to learnRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14748460.2012.659057
机译:在肯尼亚,每年在肯尼亚初等教育证书(KCPE)考试排行榜中始终名列前茅和名列前茅的学校之间的持续鸿沟越来越引起公众的关注。这就提出了教育机会不平等的问题。我们在本文中的主要关注点是了解一些课堂学校因素,这些因素可以解释顶级和劣等学校之间持续的成就差异。我们专注于工作时间(接触任何特定教与学任务的时间)和课程内容,并询问这是否可以解释绩效差异。我们检验以下假设:低绩效学校与高绩效学校在教师的上课时间上存在差异;老师的上课时间增加对学生的学习成绩有积极影响;内容覆盖率的提高对学生的成绩有积极的影响。为了提高学生的学习成绩,我们使用了来自肯尼亚70所学校的1889年级6年级学生的项目反应理论测试成绩。在这些学校中观察到的70堂数学课中产生了任务时间数据,而内容覆盖率则是根据整个6年级学生的数学笔记本进行的。由Google.org提供资金的非洲人口与健康研究中心(APHRC)。使用两级分层建模,我们控制学生,教师和学校因素。结果显示,对内容的暴露与学生获得分​​数正相关(获得分数是由同一位老师教过的同一学生在时间t1的测试和时间t2的测试之间的得分差)。表现最差的学校和表现最好的学校的数学老师在任务上花费的时间比例相同。但是,在此示例中我们没有发现任务时间与成就相关。查看全文下载全文关键字任务时间,内容覆盖率,成就,项目响应理论,收益得分,学习机会相关变量var addthis_config = {ui_cobrand :“ Taylor&Francis Online”,services_compact:“ citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more”,pubid:“ ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b”};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14748460.2012.659057



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