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Board Agrees To Keep Regina Branches, Gallery Open


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The six-month fight to keep the Regina Public Library (RPL), SK, intact has led to a truce, though four of the library's nine board members resigned when the city council refused to approve their plan for a sustainable system by closing three of nine branches, the Dunlpp Art Gallery, and the Prairie History Room. Mayor Pat Fiacco had initially supported the closures but was swayed by the public outcry, including a petition that garnered 26,048 signatures, -well over the 17,823 required (ten percent of the city's population) to support a referendum to increase library funds. (The library union also opposed cuts.) The city council and courts have rejected the referendum.
机译:为保持里贾纳公共图书馆(RPL)完整而进行的为期六个月的战斗导致了停火,尽管市议会拒绝通过关闭三分之二来批准其可持续发展系统计划的图书馆的九名董事会成员中有四名辞职。九个分支机构,邓普艺术画廊和草原历史室。市长Pat Fiacco最初支持关闭,但受到公众的强烈抗议,其中包括请愿书,获得26,048个签名,远远超过支持全民投票以增加图书馆资金所需的17,823个签名(占全市人口的10%)。 (图书馆工会也反对裁员。)市议会和法院已拒绝公投。



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