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Speech Wants To Be Free


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As a profession, we rightly pride ourselves on valuing freedom of expression. The immediate and convenient nature of online discussion, though, hinders us from putting the same thought into our Internet conversations as into our other professional communications. Next-Gens who have grown up with online communication are particularly susceptible to the lure of informality. There is a difference, for example, between being professionally opinionated (a la Kathleen de la Perm McCook, who gives concrete ways the profession can move forward) and being gratuitously nasty about one's coworkers on a discussion list. There is a difference between thoughtfully challenging our associations' policies (a la Karen Schneider, who keeps the independent Cuban librarian issue alive on her personal blag) and engaging in unsupported "I hate ALA" generalizations.
机译:作为一种职业,我们理所当然地以重视言论自由为荣。但是,在线讨论的即时性和便捷性阻碍了我们将相同的思想用于我们的Internet对话中,也阻碍了我们进行其他专业交流。随着网络交流而成长的下一代尤其容易受到非正式诱饵的影响。例如,在有专业见识的人(la Kathleen de la Perm McCook,提供具体的职业发展方法)与在讨论列表上无礼地讨厌自己的同事之间有区别。有思想的挑战我们协会的政策(la Karen Schneider,让古巴独立的图书馆员问题靠自己的生命力活着)与参与不受支持的“我讨厌ALA”概括之间是有区别的。



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