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The Two Faces of Mental Illness


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Hallucinations, delusions, frightening behavior―when we think of "craziness" or "insanity," we picture the more extreme symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Although these conditions each claim about 2.5 million victims in the United States and indirectly affect many others (family members, friends, coworkers), there remains a great deal of misunderstanding among the general public about such mental disorders. Influenced by classic films like The Three Faces of Eve and Sybil, many people often confuse schizophrenia with multiple personality disorder (or split personality). Others perhaps remember Hannah Green's 1964 novel, I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, in which the young mentally ill patient is cured by psychotherapy. (She was probably hysterical rather than schizophrenic.)
机译:幻觉,妄想,令人恐惧的行为-当我们想到“疯狂”或“精神错乱”时,我们描绘出精神分裂症和躁郁症的更极端症状。尽管这些条件在美国各自造成约250万受害者,并间接影响许多其他人(家庭成员,朋友,同事),但公众仍然对此类精神障碍有很多误解。受经典电影如《夏娃的三张脸》和《西比尔》的影响,许多人经常将精神分裂症与多种人格障碍(或分裂人格)相混淆。其他人也许还记得汉娜·格林(Hannah Green)1964年的小说《我从没有向你许诺一个玫瑰园》,其中年轻的精神病患者通过心理疗法得以治愈。 (她可能是歇斯底里而非精神分裂症。)



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