首页> 外文期刊>The Library of Congress Information Bulletin >A Printmaking Workshop in Morocco Artist Camille Billops on Her Work with Robert Blackburn

A Printmaking Workshop in Morocco Artist Camille Billops on Her Work with Robert Blackburn

机译:摩洛哥画家卡米尔·比洛普斯(Camille Billops)与罗伯特·布莱克本(Robert Blackburn)共同创作的版画工作坊

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Artist-filmmaker Camille Billops took her audience on an enthrall-ing journey during her slide and film lecture on May 27 in the Library's Mumford Room. The program was presented in conjunction with the Library of Congress-International Print Center New York exhibition, "Creative Space: Fifty Years of Robert Blackburn's Printmaking Workshop," which was on display at the Library through June 28 and is now online at www.loc.gov/exhibits/blackburn/ The exhibition honored Blackburn's remarkable contribution to creative life in America and beyond. Billops was a longtime friend and colleague of Blackburn, who died on April 21 at the age of 82.
机译:艺术家电影制片人卡米尔·比洛普斯(Camille Billops)在5月27日在图书馆的芒福德厅举行的幻灯片和电影讲演中,带领观众进入了令人着迷的旅程。该程序与国会图书馆-纽约国际印刷中心的展览“创意空间:罗伯特·布莱克本的五十年版画工作坊”一起展出,该展览已于6月28日在图书馆展出,现已在www.loc上在线发布。 .gov / exhibits / blackburn /该展览表彰了Blackburn对美国及其他地区的创意生活做出的杰出贡献。 Billops是Blackburn的长期朋友和同事,他于4月21日去世,享年82岁。



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