首页> 外文期刊>learning_Memory >Sound sequence discrimination learning motivated by reward requires dopaminergic D2 receptor activation in the rat auditory cortex

Sound sequence discrimination learning motivated by reward requires dopaminergic D2 receptor activation in the rat auditory cortex


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We have previously reported that sound sequence discrimination learning requires cholinergic inputs to the auditory cortex (AC) in rats. In that study, reward was used for motivating discrimination behavior in rats. Therefore, dopaminergic inputs mediating reward signals may have an important role in the learning. We tested the possibility in the present study. Rats were trained to discriminate sequences of two sound components, and licking behavior in response to one of the two sequences was rewarded with water. To identify the dopaminergic inputs responsible for the learning, dopaminergic afferents to the AC were lesioned with local injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). The injection attenuated sound sequence discrimination learning, while it had no effect on discrimination between the sound components of the sequence stimuli. Local injection of 6-OHDA into the nucleus accumbens attenuated sound discrimination learning. However, not only discrimination learning of sound sequence but also that of the sound components were impaired. SCH23390 (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.), a D1 receptor antagonist, had no effect on sound sequence discrimination learning, while it attenuated the licking behavior to unfamiliar stimuli. Haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), a D2 family antagonist, attenuated sound sequence discrimination learning, while it had no clear suppressive effect on discrimination of two different sound components and licking. These results suggest that D2 family receptors activated by dopaminergic inputs to the AC are required for sound sequence discrimination learning.
机译:我们以前曾报道过,声音序列识别学习需要大鼠听觉皮层(AC)的胆碱能输入。在该研究中,奖励被用于激发大鼠的歧视行为。因此,介导奖励信号的多巴胺能输入可能在学习中起重要作用。我们在本研究中测试了这种可能性。训练大鼠以区分两个声音成分的序列,并以水奖励响应于两个序列之一的舔行为。为了确定负责学习的多巴胺能输入,通过局部注射6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)损伤AC的多巴胺能传入。注入减弱了声音序列判别学习,而对序列刺激的声音成分之间的辨别没有影响。将6-OHDA局部注射到伏隔核中会减弱声音识别学习。然而,不仅损害了声音序列的辨别学习,而且损害了声音成分的辨别学习。 SCH23390(0.2 mg / kg,i.p.)是D1受体拮抗剂,对声音序列识别学习没有影响,但会减弱对陌生刺激的舔behavior行为。氟哌啶醇(0.5 mg / kg,腹腔注射),一种D2家族拮抗剂,减弱了声音序列的辨别能力,而对两种不同声音成分的辨别力和舔no没有明显的抑制作用。这些结果表明,通过多巴胺能输入AC激活的D2家族受体是声音序列识别学习所必需的。



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