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The role of peer feedback in learning to write explanatory texts: why the tutors learn the most


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French students in grades 4 and 5 in schools around Paris wrote explanatory texts in LI following a lesson in the Life Sciences, four times over the course of the school year. Each session included written correspondence with another student; half the students (Group G1) made suggestions about ways to improve the drafts of the other half of the students (Group G2). All students then revised their text. The results show: (1) an improvement in the quality of the texts produced over the year, even at the first draft stage; (2) greater progress for the students who gave suggestions compared with those who received them; and (3) a fragility of the performance of the last writing session. The results are interpreted in light of the concepts of knowledge transformation strategy and dialogism. The 'stepping back' encouraged by adopting the role of tutor to a fellow student may have allowed Group G1 students to build knowledge about explanatory texts and better 'orchestrate' the different voices present in their texts. The difficulty of the last writing session, which required a conceptual transformation and a reorganisation of the information provided by the lesson, could explain the poorer performance observed in this session.
机译:在生命科学课程中,巴黎周边学校的4年级和5年级的法国学生在LI中撰写了解释性文字,在整个学年中四次。每节课都包括与另一名学生的书面信函;一半的学生(G1组)对如何改善另一半学生(G2组)的草稿提出了建议。然后所有学生修改了他们的课文。结果表明:(1)甚至在初稿阶段,一年中所编写文本的质量都有所提高; (2)提出建议的学生比接受建议的学生进步更大; (3)上次写作会议表现不佳。根据知识转化策略和对话的概念来解释结果。通过在其他同学中担任导师的角色而鼓励的“退步”可能使G1组学生建立了有关解释性文字的知识,并更好地“协调”了文字中出现的不同声音。上次写作环节的困难,需要对课程提供的信息进行概念上的转变和重新组织,可以解释本届会议表现不佳的原因。



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