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Notes for a talk on the Legacy of Wynne Godley, Wednesday 12 May, 2020

机译:2020年5月12日星期三Wynne Godley的遗产讲义

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The paper celebrates the career of Wynne Godley, his achievements and approach to economics. The author worked for many years with Godley in Cambridge, England. He explains Godley's methods of working, his skills in economic forecasting and the long struggle to develop an integration of Keynesian macroeconomics and monetary economics.
机译:本文庆祝Wynne Godley的职业生涯和经济学的成就和方法。作者在英国剑桥的戈德利工作了多年。他解释了Godley的工作方法,他的经济预测技能和长期奋斗,以发展凯恩斯宏观经济和货币经济学的整合。




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