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The origins and evolution of military Keynesianism in the United States


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From after World War II until late 1971, the U.S. economy demonstrated new capacities in terms of macroeconomic stability during the so-called Golden Age: recessions were brief and shallow while growth was strong, generating shared returns for the working class, a burgeoning middle class, as well as for capital-owners. Neither then nor up to now has there been sufficient recognition of the key role played by military expenditures in this dynamic process. These enormous outlays at times accounted for as much as 25 percent of gross domestic productincluding their induced multiplier effects. This article examines the origins of what has been termed military Keynesianism during the Golden Age, emphasizing the little-known leading role played by Leon Keyserling. Keyserling exercised behind-the-scenes power in order to convert Keynesian theory into a macroeconomic policy that would be both consistent with the U.S. institutional context and sufficiently large to promote long-term conditions for full employment. With a degree of audacity, at a historically opportune moment given the socioeconomic resonance of the foundational document known as NSC-68 promulgated by the state within the statethe National Security StateKeyserling successfully challenged the fallacious neoclassical law of guns or butter.
机译:从第二次世界大战后到1971年末,在所谓的黄金时代,美国经济在宏观经济稳定方面展现出新的能力:衰退短暂而浅薄,而增长强劲,为工人阶级(新兴的中产阶级)带来了共同回报,以及资本所有者。从那时到现在,人们都没有充分认识到军事支出在这一动态过程中所起的关键作用。这些巨大的支出有时占国内生产总值的25%,其中包括由此产生的乘数效应。本文研究了黄金时代被称为军事凯恩斯主义的起源,强调了莱昂·凯瑟琳(Leon Keyserling)鲜为人知的领导角色。凯瑟琳行使幕后权力,以便将凯恩斯主义理论转变为既符合美国体制背景又足够大以促进长期就业的条件的宏观经济政策。在一定程度上的胆识,在历史上适当的时机,考虑到国家在该州内颁布的称为NSC-68的基础文件的社会经济共鸣,国家安全州Keyserling成功地挑战了谬误的新古典枪支或黄油法。



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