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Time traders: Derivatives, Minsky and a reinterpretation of the causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis


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There are two major competing theoretical explanations of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: neoclassicism and pos Keynesianism. Neoclassicists assume that crises are exogenous and are thus concerned with assessing the proper regulation and enforcement regime. Central to the post Keynesian position is Hyman Minsky, whose financial instability hypothesis holds that crises are due to the structure of financial assets in complex economies and are thus endogenous. This article uses qualitative financial data to show how derivatives and other exotic instruments (neoclassical analyses) bypassed the deflationary safety valve in Minsky's financial instability hypothesis. In his model, uncertainty and risk valuations either push demand prices for financial assets below what banks are willing to sell or greater risk valuations will push the costs of producing assets above what the market will pay; initiating a deflationary break. Derivatives broke this mechanism. Lenders in the 2000s used complex financial instruments to artificially eliminate risk, which made the supply-price of financial assets inelastic to upward shifts in uncertainty. Without supply-side risk to push prices above the demand curve, lenders bypassed the mechanism responsible for popping speculative bubbles and initiating deflationary market corrections. Thus, Minsky's ponzi phase was more difficult to stop than his model would have predicted.
机译:关于2008年全球金融危机,有两种主要的相互竞争的理论解释:新古典主义和波恩凯恩斯主义。新古典主义者认为危机是外生的,因此关注评估适当的监管和执行制度。凯恩斯主义后立场的核心是海曼·明斯基(Hyman Minsky),他的金融不稳定假设认为,危机是由于复杂经济体中金融资产的结构所致,因而是内生的。本文使用定性财务数据来说明明斯基的金融不稳定假设中衍生工具和其他奇异工具(新古典分析)如何绕过通缩安全阀。在他的模型中,不确定性和风险评估要么将金融资产的需求价格推低到银行愿意出售的价格以下,要么更高的风险评估将使生产资产的成本推高到市场将支付的价格之上。开始通缩。衍生品打破了这种机制。在2000年代,放贷人使用复杂的金融工具人为地消除了风险,这使得金融资产的供应价格缺乏弹性,无法确定不确定性。由于没有供应方将价格推高至需求曲线之上的风险,贷方绕过了引发投机泡沫和引发通缩市场修正的机制。因此,明斯基的庞氏阶段比他的模型所预期的要难得多。



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