首页> 外文期刊>JPKE:journal of post keynesian economics >Two Harvard economists on monetary economics: Lauchlin Currie and Hyman Minsky on financial systems and crises

Two Harvard economists on monetary economics: Lauchlin Currie and Hyman Minsky on financial systems and crises


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In November 1987, Hyman Minsky visited Bogota, Colombia, after being invited by a group of professors who at that time were interested in post Keynesian economics. There, Minsky delivered some lectures, and Lauchlin Currie attended two of those lectures at the National University of Colombia. Although Currie is not as well-known as Minsky in the American academy, both are outstanding figures in the development of non-orthodox approaches to monetary economics. Both alumni of the economics Ph.D. program at Harvard had a debate in Bogota. Unfortunately, there are no formal records of this, so here a question arises: What could have been their respective positions? The aim of this article is to discuss Currie's and Minsky's perspectives on monetary economics and to speculate on what might have been said during their debate.
机译:1987年11月,海曼·明斯基(Hyman Minsky)应一群当时对凯恩斯主义后经济学感兴趣的教授的邀请访问了哥伦比亚波哥大。在那里,明斯基(Minsky)进行了一些演讲,劳奇林·柯里(Lauchlin Currie)在哥伦比亚国立大学参加了其中的两次演讲。尽管科里在美国学术界并不像明斯基那样知名,但他们都是货币经济学非正统方法发展中的杰出人物。两位经济学博士学位的校友哈佛大学的节目在波哥大进行了辩论。不幸的是,没有正式的记录,所以这里出现一个问题:他们各自的立场可能是什么?本文的目的是讨论库里和明斯基的货币经济学观点,并推测他们在辩论中可能会说些什么。



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