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The death of development theory: From Friedrich von Hayek to the Washington consensus


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Development strategies followed by many countries in the 20th century bestowed a relevant role to the State. During the 1970s, it all reversed, and free markets became paramount to efficiency. F. von Hayek and the Mount Pelerin Society led the way to eliminate the State as a significant economic player, while P.T. Bauer extended such ideas to development economics, which would eventually give way to the Washington Consensus. Beyond actual results of such policies, it is surprising to see the appeal of Bauer's theoretical approach, considering that it is constructed disregarding both empirical evidence, as well as the abundant discussion on development that was taking place contemporarily. This article explores the theoretical process of such reversal in development economics theory.
机译:20世纪许多国家遵循的发展战略赋予了国家相关的作用。在1970年代,一切都发生了逆转,自由市场变得对效率至关重要。冯·海耶克(F. von Hayek)和芒特佩勒林学会(Mount Pelerin Society)率先淘汰了国家,使其成为重要的经济参与者,而P.T.鲍尔(Bauer)将这些思想扩展到发展经济学,最终将其让位给《华盛顿共识》。除了这些政策的实际结果之外,令人惊讶的是,鲍尔的理论方法具有吸引力,因为它是在无视经验证据和当代发展的广泛讨论的情况下构建的。本文探讨了发展经济学理论中这种逆转的理论过程。



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