首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Coeval Strombolian And Vulcanian-type Explosive Eruptions At Panarea (aeolian Islands, Southern Italy)

Coeval Strombolian And Vulcanian-type Explosive Eruptions At Panarea (aeolian Islands, Southern Italy)


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In this paper, we document the evolution qf the emergent Panarea dome in the Aeolian islands (Southern Italy), placing particular emphasis on the reconstruction of the explosive events that occurred during the final stage of its evolution. Two main pyroclastic successions exposing fall deposits with different compositions have been studied into detail: the andesitic Palisi succession and the basaltic Punta Falcone succession. The close-in-time deposition of the two successions, the dispersal area and grain-size distribution of the deposits account for their attribution to vents located in the western sector of the present island and erupting almost contemporaneously. Vents could have been aligned along NNE-trending regional fracture systems controlling the western flank of the dome and possibly its collapse. Laboratory analyses have been devoted to the characterization of the products of the two successions that have been ascribed to vulcanian-and to strombolian-type eruptions respectively. The vulcanian eruption started with a vent-clearing phase that occurred by sudden decompression of a pressurized magma producing ballistic bombs and a surge blast and the development of a vulcanian plume. Vulcanian activity was almost contemporaneous to strombolian-type fall-out eruptions. The coeval occurrence of basaltic and andesitic eruptions from close vents and the presence of magmatic basaltic enclaves in the final dacitic lava lobe of the dome allow us to speculate that the intrusion of a basaltic dyke played a major role in triggering explosive eruptions. The final explosive episodes may have been caused by extensional tectonics fracturing the roof of a zoned shallow magma chamber or by the intrusion of a new basaltic magma into a more acidic and shallow reservoir. Intrusion most likely occurred through the injection of dykes along the western cliff of the present Panarea Island inducing the collapse of the western sector of the dome.
机译:在本文中,我们记录了风沙群岛(意大利南部)中出现的Panarea穹顶的演变,特别强调了在其演化的最后阶段发生的爆炸事件的重建。已经详细研究了两种不同成分的秋季沉积的主要火山碎屑演替:安山岩Palisi演替和玄武岩蓬塔Falcone演替。这两个系列的及时沉积,沉积物的散布面积和粒度分布是其归因于位于本岛西段并几乎同时爆发的喷口的原因。通风孔本来可以沿着NNE趋势的区域性断裂系统排列,控制着圆顶的西翼,甚至可能塌陷。实验室分析已被用于表征这两个系列的产物,这两个系列分别归因于火山爆发和斯特朗伯利亚型爆发。火山喷发始于通气口清理阶段,该阶段是由于加压岩浆突然减压产生弹道炸弹和爆炸冲击波以及火山喷发而形成的。 Vulcanian活动几乎与Strombolian型沉降爆发同时发生。穹顶最终的datictic熔岩波瓣同时发生玄武岩和安第斯山脉喷发的同时期,以及岩浆玄武岩飞地的存在,使我们推测玄武岩堤的侵入在触发爆炸爆发中起了重要作用。最终的爆炸事件可能是由于扩张性构造使一个分区的浅岩浆室的屋顶破裂,或者是由于一个新的玄武岩浆侵入了一个酸性更强的浅层储层中引起的。入侵很可能是通过沿目前的Panarea岛的西崖注入堤坝引起的,该圆顶的西部部分坍塌。



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