首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues >Assessment of Airborne Exposure to Endotoxin and Pyrogenic Active Dust Using Electrostatic Dustfall Collectors (EDCs)

Assessment of Airborne Exposure to Endotoxin and Pyrogenic Active Dust Using Electrostatic Dustfall Collectors (EDCs)


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Passive airborne dust sampling using electrostatic dustfall collectors (EDCs) is one possibility especially for long sampling periods. In this study, EDCs were deposited in living rooms of private households and in social rooms of composting plants. The aim of the study was to determine whether endotoxin and pyrogenic activity are measurable using EDCs. In all extracts, endotoxin (via Limulus amebocyte lysate [LAL] assay) and pyrogenic activity (interleukin [IL]-1β release via whole blood assay) were detectable. In addition, the monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP-1; CCL-2) as a secondary proinflammatory marker was measured with whole blood assay. Endotoxin activity and proinflammatory/pyrogenic activity of EDC extracts from social rooms in composting plants were higher compared to extracts obtained from EDCs in private household rooms. A significant correlation between LAL assay and whole blood assay was detectable. In conclusion, EDC sampling is an applicable method to evaluate settled dust from airborne bioaerosols displaying a longer period of exposure. The extraction of EDC without Tween enables one to measure endotoxin as well as proinflammatory/pyrogenic activity using the same sample for parallel detection and more reliable characterization of the airborne bioaerosol contamination.
机译:使用静电除尘器(EDC)进行被动式机载灰尘采样是一种可能,特别是对于较长的采样时间。在这项研究中,EDC存放在私人家庭的起居室和堆肥厂的社交室。该研究的目的是确定使用EDC是否可测量内毒素和热原活性。在所有提取物中,都可以检测到内毒素(通过am变形肌细胞裂解液[LAL]测定)和热原活性(通过全血测定释放白介素[IL]-1β)。另外,通过全血测定法测定了作为次要促炎标记的单核细胞趋化蛋白(MCP-1; CCL-2)。与从私人家庭房间中的EDC获得的提取物相比,堆肥植物社交室中的EDC提取物的内毒素活性和促炎/致热活性更高。 LAL分析与全血分析之间存在显着相关性。总之,EDC采样是一种评估暴露于较长时间的空气传播生物气溶胶中沉降尘埃的适用方法。不用Tween提取EDC,就可以使用同一样品进行内毒素检测以及内源性促炎/致热活性,以进行平行检测和更可靠地表征空气中的生物气溶胶污染。



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