首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer >Modified Generalized Hard Sphere Collision Model for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Calculations

Modified Generalized Hard Sphere Collision Model for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Calculations


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The GHS model can be modified to limit the collision probability at low collision speeds. This improves the computational efficiency both because the number of possible collision partners that must be tested is dramatically reduced and because the collision rate is lower. No more than 15% extra computational time is required, compared with the VHS model. For argon at T ≈ 100 K, the theoretical viscosity is changed by less than 2.5%, and this difference decreases rapidly as T increases. The modified viscosity is in better agreement with recommended viscosity values. This modified generalized hard sphere model can be used in DSMC simulations, where, to obtain realistic viscosity behavior at low T, it is necessary to model the effect of the attractive portion of the intermolecular potential.
机译:可以修改GHS模型以限制低碰撞速度下的碰撞概率。这提高了计算效率,这是因为显着减少了必须测试的可能碰撞伙伴的数量以及碰撞率较低。与VHS模型相比,所需的额外计算时间不超过15%。对于T≈100 K的氩气,理论粘度变化小于2.5%,并且随着T的增加,该差异迅速减小。改进的粘度与推荐的粘度值更好地吻合。此修改后的广义硬球模型可以用于DSMC仿真中,在该仿真中,为了在低T下获得逼真的粘度行为,有必要对分子间电势的吸引部分的影响进行建模。



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