首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer >Transient Convective Effects on Diffusion Measurements in Liquids

Transient Convective Effects on Diffusion Measurements in Liquids


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The transient effects of convective disturbances on self-diffusivity measurements are evaluated using numerical simulations. "Codastefano-type" diffusivity measurements, where continuous real-time measurements of the concentration of the diffusing species are made at two discrete locations using a radioactive tracer, are considered. Convection arises due to buoyancy caused by the interaction of temperature gradients with either gravity (terrestrial experiments) or residual acceleration (microgravity experiments). For small deviations from ideal isothermal conditions, the system's response to residual microgravity disturbances is examined. The consequences of heating and cooling "temperature ramps" are also examined for both microgravity and terrestrial conditions. The frequency, amplitude, and orientation of the residual acceleration vector and the magnitude of heating or cooling rates all affect the fidelity of a given measurement. It is also shown that, for actual high-temperature experiments, it is important to assess the degree of isothermality that can be attained.
机译:对流扰动对自扩散率测量的瞬态影响通过数值模拟进行评估。考虑了“ Codastefano型”扩散率测量,其中使用放射性示踪剂在两个离散位置连续实时测量扩散物质的浓度。对流由于温度梯度与重力(地面实验)或残余加速度(微重力实验)相互作用而引起的浮力而产生。对于与理想等温条件的微小偏差,检查了系统对残余微重力扰动的响应。还针对微重力和地面条件对加热和冷却“温度斜坡”的后果进行了检查。残余加速度矢量的频率,幅度和方向以及加热或冷却速率的大小都会影响给定测量的保真度。还表明,对于实际的高温实验,重要的是评估可以达到的等温程度。



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