首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Water Resources Association >Effect of Model Setup Complexity on Flood Modeling in Low-Gradient Basins

Effect of Model Setup Complexity on Flood Modeling in Low-Gradient Basins


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The flat topography, large natural storage features, backwater effects, and boundary conditions all play different roles in the flood response of rivers in low-gradient environments. The combined effects of these factors result in frequent episodes of reverse flows, slow recession of flood waters, and complex flow interactions. This study investigates the value of varying degrees of model complexity and setup features on the model ability to reproduce some of the unique flooding characteristics in low-gradient basins. The study focuses on (1) effect of streamflow routing techniques; (2) effect of incorporating large natural storage areas; (3) effect of model dimensionality; and (4) effect of downstream boundary conditions. The study assessed six different model setups for the Vermilion River in south Louisiana, during a series of flood-inducing storm events in May-June 2014. A successful simulation of the repetitive reverse flows in the river was only possible after incorporating the large swamp areas within the basin. The slow recession of the flood peaks was accurately reproduced with the use of a two-dimensional representation in characterizing the swamp areas. The results of this study have implications for understanding flood dynamics in low-gradient basins, and for guiding the development of reliable flood models that take advantage of available technologies and information without adding unwarranted complexities that require extensive, yet typically unavailable calibration data.
机译:地势平坦,大的自然存储功能,回水影响,以及边界条件江河低梯度环境中应对洪灾都扮演不同的角色。这些因素的组合效应导致反向流动,洪水的缓慢衰退,复杂流动的相互作用的频繁发作。这项研究调查了不同程度的模型的复杂性和设置的值上重现一些独特的特点泛滥低梯度盆地模型的能力特征。该研究的重点是径流路由技术(1)作用; (2)将大的自然存储区域的效果; (3)模型维数的效果;的下游边界条件和(4)的效果。该研究评估了在5 - 2014年6月一个在河中重复反向流动的成功模拟了一系列的洪水引发的暴雨事件的过程中为唇红河在南路易斯安那,六种不同型号的设置结合了大沼泽地区之后才可能盆地内。洪水峰的缓慢经济衰退准确地表征沼泽地区使用二维表示的再现。这项研究的结果具有低梯度盆地的理解洪水动力学的影响,以及用于引导可充分利用现有的技术和信息,而无需增加不必要的需要大量复杂可靠的防洪模型,但通常无法校准数据的发展。




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