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Quartic Fields and Radical Extensions


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Let K be a field and K(α) be an extension field of K. If [K(α) : K] = 3, char K ≠ 3, and the minimal polynomial of α over K is T~3 -uT - v ∈ K[T], it is proved in Kang (2000, Am. Math. Monthly, 107, 254-256) that K(α) is a radical extension of K if and only if, for some w ∈K, 81v~2 - 12u~3 = w~2 if char K = 2, or u~3/v~2 = w~2 + w if char K = 2. In this paper, we prove a similar result when [K(α) : K] = 4, char K ≠ 2, and the minimal polynomial of α over K is T~4 - uT~2 - vT - w ∈ K[T] with v ≠ 0 : K(α) is a radical extension of K if and only if the following system of polynomial equations is solvable in K, 64X~3 - 32uX~2 + (4u~2 + 16w)X - v~2 = 0 and 64wX~2 - (32uw - 3v~2)X + (4u~2w + 16w~2 - uv~2) - Y~2 = 0. The situation when v = 0 will also be solved.
机译:令K为一个字段,K(α)为K的一个扩展字段。如果[K(α):K] = 3,则char K≠3,并且α在K上的最小多项式为T〜3 -uT-v ∈K [T],在Kang(2000,Am。Math。Monthly,107,254-256)中证明,当且仅当对于某些w∈K,81v〜时,K(α)是K的根扩展。如果char K = 2,则2-12u〜3 = w〜2;如果char K = 2,则u〜3 / v〜2 = w〜2 + w。在本文中,我们证明了当[K(α) :K] = 4,char K≠2,并且α在K上的最小多项式为T〜4-uT〜2-vT-w∈K∈K [T],v≠0:K(α)是当且仅当以下多项式方程组在K中可解时,K才64X〜3-32uX〜2 +(4u〜2 + 16w)X-v〜2 = 0和64wX〜2-(32uw-3v〜2) X +(4u〜2w + 16w〜2-uv〜2)-Y〜2 =0。v= 0的情况也将得到解决。



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