首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Tourism >Making ecotourism sustainable: refocusing on economic viability. Lessons learnt from the 'Regional strategic action plan for coastal ecotourism development in the South Western Indian Ocean'

Making ecotourism sustainable: refocusing on economic viability. Lessons learnt from the 'Regional strategic action plan for coastal ecotourism development in the South Western Indian Ocean'


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Ecotourism has become the focal point of a wide range of private and public sector development initiatives in the countries of the Western Indian Ocean. The 2008 Regional Strategic Action Plan for Coastal Ecotourism Development in the South Western Indian Ocean aimed at both a strategic assessment of current achievements and the development of recommendations for policy action. Drawing on the research data initially gathered for this report, the article demonstrates the importance of fostering criteria for ensuring medium and long-term economic viability in the assessment of sustainable ecotourism development performance, both at micro- and macro-economic levels. The arguments are presented in the form of eight lessons learnt, and the article approaches the question of economic viability at the different levels of enterprises, projects and products, and in terms of public policy and planning.
机译:生态旅游已成为西印度洋国家范围内各种私营和公共部门发展计划的重点。 《 2008年印度洋西南部沿海生态旅游发展区域战略行动计划》旨在对当前成就进行战略评估,并制定政策行动建议。借助最初为本报告收集的研究数据,本文证明了在评估微观和宏观经济水平的可持续生态旅游发展绩效时,建立确保中期和长期经济生存力的标准的重要性。这些论点以八堂课的形式提出,本文从公共政策和计划的角度探讨了企业,项目和产品在不同层次上的经济生存能力问题。



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