首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Tourism >Beyond environmental concerns: using means-end chains to explore the personal psychological values and motivations of leisure/recreational cyclists

Beyond environmental concerns: using means-end chains to explore the personal psychological values and motivations of leisure/recreational cyclists


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This study employs the means-end chain approach to explore the psychological values that motivate leisure and recreational cyclists. In-depth personal interviews with 60 subjects in Taiwan supplied data. The paper notes the growing importance of cycling for sustainable tourism in general, and slow tourism in particular. It examines the existing literature on cycling's perceived benefits. It finds that in addition to having conscious environmental concerns, cyclists seek security in many personal ways; major intrinsic motivational factors include competence mastery, solitude, exploration, physical challenge, adventure experiences, stimulus seeking, social encounters, and relaxation/escapism. The research produced a summary chart called a hierarchical value map that characterizes the key linkages associated with the particular experience domain of cyclists. Core values include happiness, belongingness, self-esteem, and self-actualization, all of which appear to be the end-states that the cyclists' goal-striving would like to achieve. The values reflect the leisure/recreational cyclists' engagement in this activity to fulfil basic and higher-order needs, based on Maslow's theory of a five-level hierarchy of personal needs leading to self-actualization. The study's findings have implications for researchers and practitioners interested in developing sustainable tourism and recreational opportunities that target cycling subcultures. A range of future research needs are discussed.



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