首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness >Physical activity level during a round of golf on a hilly course

Physical activity level during a round of golf on a hilly course


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Background. Regular physical activity plays a role in preven- tive medicine. Our study aimed at establishing the duration of different levels of exercise intensity during a round of golf. Methods. Participants: we studied 21 male and 9 female golf- Ers (mean age 53±11 and 54±13 years respectively) volunteer- Ing for a round of golf on a hilly course. Measures: we record- Ed mean heart rate (HR) of every 15 seconds. Blood pressure Was taken on each tee. Maximum HR (HR_max) reserve of each Subject was calculated form the difference between pre-exer- Cise and maximum HR attained during a test to volitional Was added to the resting HR and was expressed as a percent- Age of HR_max reserve.



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