首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness >Transcutaneous carbon dioxide threshold during exercise

Transcutaneous carbon dioxide threshold during exercise


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Background. To study the possible use of transcutaneous car- bon dioxide pressure measurements to estimate ventilatory threshold during exercise. Methods. Experimental design: comparative study. Settings: Instituional practice, ambulatory care. Patients and meas- Ures: seventy-nine subjects. Intervention: incremental exer- Cise tests with simultaneous recordings of breath by breath gas Exchange and transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure. Measures six reviewers determined the ventilatory threshold Using both the graphs for the carbon dioxide excretion to oxy- Gen consumption relationship: V slope technique (Vta), and the Ventilatory equivalent for oxygen uptake changes over time: (VTb), the respiratory compensation point (RCP) on ventila- tory equivalent for carbon dioxide, and the transcutaneous threshold (Ttc) on the transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure changes over time respectively.
机译:背景。研究经皮二氧化碳压力测量在运动过程中估计通气阈值的可能用途。方法。实验设计:对比研究。地点:机构实习,门诊服务。患者和措施:共有79名受试者。干预:增量运动测试,同时通过呼吸气体交换和经皮二氧化碳压力记录呼吸。六名评论者的措施确定了通气阈值。使用了两个二氧化碳排泄量与氧气消耗量的关系图:V斜率技术(Vta),以及通气当量随时间变化的氧气吸收量(VTb),呼吸补偿点( RCP)相当于二氧化碳的通气量,而经皮二氧化碳压力的经皮阈值(Ttc)则随时间而变化。



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