首页> 外文期刊>The journal of sports medicine and physical fitness >Biomechanical and physiological comparison of barefoot and two shod conditions in experienced barefoot runners

Biomechanical and physiological comparison of barefoot and two shod conditions in experienced barefoot runners


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Aim. The first aim of this study was to assess how changes in the mechanical characteristics of the foot/shoe-ground interface affect spatio-temporal variables, ground pressure distribution, sagittal plane kinematics, and running economy in 8 experienced barefoot runners. The second aim was to assess if a special lightweight shoe (Vibram Fivefingers) was effective in mimic the experience of barefoot running.rnMethods. By using an instrumented treadmill, barefoot running, running with the Fivefingers, and running with standard running shoe were compared, analyzing a large numbers of consecutive steps. Foot/shoe-ground interface pressure distribution, lower limb kinematics, VO_2 and heart rate data were simultaneously collected.rnResults. Compared to the standard shod condition when running barefoot the athletes landed in more plantarflexion at the ankle. This caused reduced impact forces and changes in stride kinematics. In particular, significantly shorter stride length and contact times and higher stride frequency were observed (P<0.05). Compared to standard shod condition, VO_2 and peak impact forces were significantly lower with Fivefingers (P<0.05) and much closer to barefoot running. Lower limb kinematics with Fivefingers was similar to barefoot running with a foot position which was significantly more plantarflexed than in control shoe (P<0.05).rnConclusion. The data of this study support the assumption that changes in the foot-ground interface led to changes in running pattern in a group of experienced barefoot runners. The Fivefingers model seems to be effective in imitating the barefoot conditions while providing a small amount of protection.
机译:目标。这项研究的首要目的是评估8名有经验的赤脚跑步者的脚/鞋-地面界面机械特性的变化如何影响时空变量,地面压力分布,矢状平面运动学和跑步经济性。第二个目的是评估一种特殊的轻便鞋(Vibram Fivefingers)是否可以有效地模仿赤脚跑步的体验。通过使用仪器式跑步机,对赤脚跑步,使用Fivefingers跑步和使用标准跑鞋跑步进行了比较,分析了大量连续步骤。同时收集脚/鞋-地界面压力分布,下肢运动学,VO_2和心率数据。与标准赤脚状态相比,运动员赤脚跑步时脚踝的足底屈曲度更高。这导致减小的冲击力和步幅运动学的变化。特别是,观察到步幅长度和接触时间显着更短,步幅频率更高(P <0.05)。与标准护目条件相比,在使用五指运动时,VO_2和峰值冲击力显着降低(P <0.05),并且更接近赤脚跑步。 Fivefingers的下肢运动学类似于赤脚跑步时的足部姿势,足底弯曲明显比对照鞋的多(P <0.05)。这项研究的数据支持这样的假设,即,一组有经验的赤脚跑步者的脚-地面界面发生变化,从而导致跑步模式发生变化。 Fivefingers模型似乎可以有效地模仿赤脚状况,同时提供少量保护。



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