首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Suppression of High Mach Number Rocket Jet Noise by Water Injection

Suppression of High Mach Number Rocket Jet Noise by Water Injection


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The present work experimentally investigates suppression of the sound level from an underexpanded jet of Machnnumber 2.8 by water injection. The jet is produced by a solid rocket motor being static test fired. Water is injectednfrom a radial distance of 5.2 jet diameters, at different axial locations from the exit of the nozzle, at two differentnangles of injection relative to the downstream jet axis. The ratio of mass flow rates of water to the nozzle exhaust gasn(referred to as the mass flow rate ratio) and the injection pressure are varied independently. Acoustic measurementsnare performed at a radius of 30 jet diameters, over angles in the range of 30–130 deg, relative to the downstream jetnaxis. Sound levels continuously decrease by 10 dB with the increase in the angle of observation. With water injection,nhigher levels of reduction in sound are observed in the upstream quadrant. Injection closer to the nozzle exit leads tonbetter reduction, mainly due to suppression in the high-frequency range when observed from downstream, but it isnalmost in the entire frequency range as observed at the upstream locations. At intermediate mass flow rate ratios, annoptimum injection pressure exists for maximum noise suppression, due to the penetration of water to the potentialncore and its evaporation there at high injection pressures. The results affirm that the validity of many past studiesnobtained on water injection to suppress noise levels on simulated jets can be extended to an actual rocket situation.
机译:本工作实验性地研究了通过注水抑制Machnnumber 2.8膨胀不足射流产生的声级。喷气机是由一架固体火箭发动机进行静态试射而产生的。在与喷嘴出口不同的轴向位置,相对于下游喷射轴线的两个不同喷射角度处,从5.2喷射直径的径向距离喷射水。水相对于喷嘴废气的质量流率之比(称为质量流率比)和喷射压力独立地变化。相对于下游喷气轴,声学测量的半径为30,直径为30-130度。随着观察角度的增加,声级连续降低10 dB。通过注水,在上游象限中观察到更高程度的声音降低。从下游观察时,更靠近喷嘴出口的喷射会导致更好的降低,这主要是由于从下游观察时在高频范围内受到抑制,但在上游位置观察到的整个频率范围内,这是最重要的。在中等的质量流量比下,由于水渗透到势能核中并在高喷射压力下在其中蒸发,因此存在非最佳喷射压力以最大程度地抑制噪声。结果证实,过去在注水方面未获得的抑制模拟喷气机噪声水平的研究的有效性可以扩展到实际火箭情况。



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