首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast University >Using ontology semantics to improve text documents clustering

Using ontology semantics to improve text documents clustering


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In order to improve the clustering results and select in the results, the ontology semantic is combined with document clustering. A new document clustering algorithm based WordNet in the phrase of document processing is proposed. First, every word vector by new entities is extended after the documents are represented by tf-idf. Then the feature extracting algorithm is applied for the documents. Finally, the algorithm of ontology aggregation clustering (OAC) is proposed to improve the result of document clustering. Experiments are based on the data set of Reuters 20 News Group, and experimental results are compared with the results obtained by mutual information( MI). The conclusion draws that the proposed algorithm of document clustering based on ontology is better than the other existed clustering algorithms such as MNB, CLUTO, co-clustering, etc.



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