首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast University >A hybrid DVE architecture based on temp server

A hybrid DVE architecture based on temp server


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A hybrid distributed virtual environment (DVE) architecture is presented by importing a peer-to-peer (P2P) idea into the traditional client/server (C/S) architecture to improve the DVE system's scalability. The mathematical model of the overload of the center server was built and a series of simulation experiments were performed to validate the conclusions. When the client number increases to a certain value, the hybrid architecture can reduce server overload with some special clients (temp servers) selected with a certain heuristic strategy. With this architecture, the DVE system can support more system clients with the same server hardware than the C/S architecture can. The server overload "pulse" phenomena causing by the exiting of the temp server can be resolved by adopting a more optimized temp server selecting strategy and by reducing the child client capability of the temp server. By combining the advantages of the C/S architecture and the P2P architecture, the hybrid DVE architecture can effectively improve the scalability of the DVE system. This is validated by theoretical analysis and simulation experiments.
机译:通过将对等(P2P)思想导入到传统的客户端/服务器(C / S)体系结构中来提出混合分布式虚拟环境(DVE)体系结构,以改善DVE系统的可伸缩性。建立了中心服务器过载的数学模型,并进行了一系列的仿真实验以验证结论。当客户端数量增加到一定值时,混合体系结构可以通过使用某些特定的客户端(临时服务器)以启发式策略选择来减少服务器过载。通过这种体系结构,与C / S体系结构相比,具有相同服务器硬件的DVE系统可以支持更多的系统客户端。可以通过采用更优化的临时服务器选择策略并减少临时服务器的子客户端功能来解决由临时服务器退出而导致的服务器过载“脉冲”现象。通过结合C / S架构和P2P架构的优势,混合DVE架构可以有效地提高DVE系统的可伸缩性。理论分析和仿真实验证明了这一点。



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