首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast University >PSO algorithm for Young's modulus reconstruction

PSO algorithm for Young's modulus reconstruction


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To get the quantitive value of abnormal biological tissues, an inverse algorithm about the Young's modulus based on the boundary extraction and the image registration technologies is proposed. With the known displacements of boundary tissues and the force distribution, the Young's modulus is calculated by constructing the unit system and the inverse finite element method (IFEM). Then a tough range of the modulus for the whole tissue is estimated referring the value obtained before. The improved particle swarm optimizer (PSO) method is adopted to calculate the whole Yong's modulus distribution. The presented algorithm overcomes some limitations in other Young's modulus reconstruction methods and relaxes the displacements and force boundary condition requirements. The repetitious numerical simulation shows that errors in boundary displacement are not very sensitive to the estimation of next process; a final feasible solution is obtained by the improved PSO method which is close to the theoretical values obtained during searching in an extensive range.



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