首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast University >A new group key management scheme based on keys tree, XOR operation and one-way function

A new group key management scheme based on keys tree, XOR operation and one-way function


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By introducing XOR operation and one-way function chains to group key management schemes based on the keys tree, a new group key management scheme based on the keys tree, XOR operation and one-way function chains is proposed. Initialization, member adding and member evicting operations are introduced. The new scheme is compared with three other group key management schemes which are based on the keys tree: SKDC, LKH, and OFT. As far as transmission, computation and storage costs are concerned, the performance of the new group key management scheme is the best. The security problem of the new scheme is analyzed. This new scheme provides backward and forward security, i.e.. newly admitted group members cannot read previous multicast messages and evicted members cannot rea3 future multicast messages, even with collusion by many arbitrarily evicted members.



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