首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology >Influence of the process parameters on the structural and electric properties of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric PZT thin films realized on stainless steel by a Sol–gel derived method

Influence of the process parameters on the structural and electric properties of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric PZT thin films realized on stainless steel by a Sol–gel derived method


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Pb x ZryTi1?yO3 thin films were prepared by a modified Sol–gel method using alkoxides precursor compounds and spin-coating onto RuO2 coated stainless steel substrates. Depending on the zirconate/titanate ratio, both, ferroelectric and antiferroelectric behaviour has been obtained. Oxidation of the metal substrate due to the PZT crystallization process was studied in order to verify the influence of the heat treatment on the substrate morphology. In order to improve the properties of antiferroelectric Pb x Zr0.95Ti0.05O3, the influence of the lead excess in the composition was investigated. Thefs dependence of the switching field distribution from the annealing time and temperature, as well as the fatigue behaviour of the films, is discussed.
机译:采用改进的Sol-gel方法,采用醇盐前体化合物和旋涂在RuO2 涂层的不锈钢上,制备了Pb x Zry Ti1?y O3 薄膜钢基材。取决于锆酸盐/钛酸盐比率,已经获得铁电和反铁电行为。为了验证热处理对衬底形态的影响,研究了由于PZT结晶过程导致的金属衬底的氧化。为了改善反铁电Pb x Zr0.95 Ti0.05 O3 的性能,研究了铅对组合物中铅的影响。讨论了开关场分布与退火时间和温度的关系,以及薄膜的疲劳行为。


  • 来源
  • 作者

    Raynald Seveno; Hartmut Gundel;

  • 作者单位

    IREENA EA1770 Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques Université de Nantes Nantes Atlantique Universités 2 rue de la Houssinière BP 9208 Nantes 44000 France;

    IREENA EA1770 Faculté des Sciences et des Techniques Université de Nantes Nantes Atlantique Universités 2 rue de la Houssinière BP 9208 Nantes 44000 France;

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  • 正文语种 eng
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  • 关键词

    PZT; CSD; Antiferroelectric; Steel oxidation; Lead excess;



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