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Open licensing for cultural heritage


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Openness is a noble concept. We would all love to be more open. Openness brings discoverability, creativity, and opportunities. In their excellent guide Open Licensing for Cultural Heritage, Gill Hamilton and Fred Saunderson explain, advocate, and show how to implement open intellectual property ('IP') licensing within the heritage sector. Their use of enlightening case studies, authored by other experts in the sector, is especially impactful. These real-life stories-perhaps the core of the book-help explain why it is not always possible to be as open as we might like, why openness takes time and resource, and how risk needs to be mitigated. Nevertheless, Hamilton's and Saunderson's personable, persuasive, and enthusiastic tone extends unswayed to the nal, practical chapters. Yet how open can museums, galleries, libraries, and archives truly be in IP licensing terms?
机译:开放是一个高尚的概念。我们都希望更加开放。开放带来可发现性,创造力和机会。吉尔·汉密尔顿(Gill Hamilton)和弗雷德·桑德森(Fred Saunderson)在其出色的文化遗产开放许可指南中,解释,主张并展示了如何在遗产领域实施开放式知识产权(IP)许可。他们使用该领域其他专家撰写的启发性案例研究尤其具有影响力。这些现实故事(也许是本书的核心内容)解释了为什么并不总是能够像我们想要的那样开放,为什么开放需要时间和资源,以及如何降低风险。然而,汉密尔顿和桑德森的风度翩翩,有说服力,热情洋溢,并没有影响到最后的实际章节。然而,博物馆,美术馆,图书馆和档案馆在知识产权许可方面的开放程度如何呢?



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